Well, first off all - it's illegal...
That said, I've been known to scour Carracho and download stuff from time to time.
If I download something that I find useful, I buy it. In the last year, I've probably paid more for software than I did for hardware (look at tagline, it's quite a bit). Software developers deserve to be paid for their efforts. It's as simple as that. Pirating software hurts everybody responsible for producing the product, and in the end, usually results in the product disappearing.
I'm happy to see Adobe adopting the
30 day trial download that Macromedia has employed. It really is the best way for developers to get their products in peoples hands legally, and usually results in people actually buying the product.
As for using beta software (like Adobe's Photoshop and GoLive), I'm in a bit of quandry. I grabbed PS7 when I first saw it up on Carracho, and have been using it DAILY for the last two months. This is obviously in violation of Adobe's NDA (which I never signed). Personally, I don't care. I've stated publicly for the last year that I would have paid for the privlege to use a beta of Photoshop 7. It's my main tool, and without it, I was held back to using OS 9.
That said, I own PS6, and the minute PS7 is available for preorder, my order will be placed. Same goes for Flash and Dreamweaver.
Both Adobe and Macromedia have got my money - they just need to produce the products.