Wheel mouse in Appleworks


I've just plugged in a wheel mouse into my Powerbook, and the wheel works great in apps like Safari, Mail and Preview.

However, I'm having trouble getting it to work with my copy of Appleworks 6.2.7. Does anyone know what settings I need to enable to get the mouse working in Appleworks?
May not work in Appleworks. The scroll feature doesn't work in all apps. Mine doesn't in Appleworks.
The mouse/scroll wheel most definately will not work for AppleWorks under OS X, even running in Classic mode. However the wheel works fine for AW in OS 9. It really ticks me off that you cannot even smooth scroll using the slidebar with AppleWorks in OS X. I think that only Cocoa applications are fully supported in X, and AppleWorks is still Carbon(?). I've been looking around for comparable simple drawing/drafting programs, but haven't found any yet that will work with a wheel in OS X. Wish Apple would update AW with Cocoa...
Aw... that sucks. This is 2003 and there still is no mouse wheel support in Appleworks? What's up with that?
Viro said:
Aw... that sucks. This is 2003 and there still is no mouse wheel support in Appleworks? What's up with that?

Apple hasn't seriously updated AppleWorks since well before it was called AppleWorks (ClarisWorks name changed to AppleWorks in '98?) Of course, there's still history here, ClarisWorks was the renamed AppleWorks back in the '80s. What's old is new again!

Probably no interest in updating if the Pro Suite is coming (when?)
I remember getting the Claris Works suite for Mac 7 with my Performa 620 CD. That was top of the line stuff back then. As far as Pro Suite, I wonder if Apple is working on it? This is the one area (Office Suites) I wish were further developed for the Mac. The competition would be good for the pricing and development. I wish Corel and Lotus (IBM) would consider porting their Suites to Mac.
Viro said:
Aw... that sucks. This is 2003 and there still is no mouse wheel support in Appleworks? What's up with that?

Actually, the mouse wheel does work in Appleworks 6.2.7. I own a $14 two-button w/ scroll wheel optical USB mouse from Microsoft and have had no trouble using it. I use the same version of Appleworks on my iBook and it works fine. You may have an incompatible brand or model. There were no drivers for me to down load or settings to change. Check around for a more compatible mouse.
DeltaMac said:
Apple hasn't seriously updated AppleWorks since well before it was called AppleWorks (ClarisWorks name changed to AppleWorks in '98?) Of course, there's still history here, ClarisWorks was the renamed AppleWorks back in the '80s. What's old is new again!

I remember using ClarisWorks in Windows3.1.
Shortly after that moment-in-time, The Claris Guys sold everything (ClarisWorks and FileMaker) to Apple and wen't thier separate ways. Most formed GoBe, to provide Software for BeOS.
Thier Office Package, GoBe Productive was a mighty fine Works Package, although not exactly WordPerfect. It also didn't really "Fit" in BeOS.
Now Productive has been ported to Windows and is in the process of being ported to Linux. It will be sold commercially.

Once again I don't think Productive will "Fit" in any X11 Environment, and will be in direct competition with OpenOffice (if they use Motif) or AbiWord/Gnumeric (if they use GTK+). I can then see them abandoning *BSD and GNU/Linux Support and looking at Solaris and MacOSX. It'll still be X11-based.

If MacOSX users (including such BeOS Luminaries like Scot Hacker and Eugenia Loli-Queru (who both use MacOSX as thier main desktop Machines), to name a few) could lobby GoBe to divert development from Linux to MacOSX/Cocoa, we *could* end up with a nice up-to-date Native Cocoa Office Works Suite.

Then again, if Apple got interested in AppleWorks again, all that work would be in vain :(
ksd20039 said:
Actually, the mouse wheel does work in Appleworks 6.2.7. I own a $14 two-button w/ scroll wheel optical USB mouse from Microsoft and have had no trouble using it. I use the same version of Appleworks on my iBook and it works fine. You may have an incompatible brand or model. There were no drivers for me to down load or settings to change. Check around for a more compatible mouse.

Anybody else that can actually use a scroll wheel to scroll in an Appleworks document of any kind (I don't think it has anything to do with drivers)? A scroll wheel does not scroll any Appleworks document, because Appleworks does not accept a scroll wheel input. Any mouse will work, just no scroll wheel in AppleWorks. (I need to be proven wrong on this one, as I have 5 bucks on the correct answer)
ksd20039 said:
Actually, the mouse wheel does work in Appleworks 6.2.7. I own a $14 two-button w/ scroll wheel optical USB mouse from Microsoft and have had no trouble using it. I use the same version of Appleworks on my iBook and it works fine. You may have an incompatible brand or model. There were no drivers for me to down load or settings to change. Check around for a more compatible mouse.

That's strange. I'm using a rather old (about 2 years) Microsoft Intellimouse Optical, and I didn't need to load any special drivers to get my mouse working in OS X.

The scroll wheel works on most applications like Safari, XCode, Netbeans (Java), and such. In fact, the only thing it doesn't work with is Appleworks, which is a darn shame.

Don't really think it has to do with a compatible mouse, but I do hope to be wrong.