Where are Iraq's WMD?


1. There aren't any.
2. They were stolen by Iraqi's, Syrians, Al Qaeda, terrorists etc.
3. They've been dumped in rivers, buried in the desert, hidden.
4. Other?

I don't mean to start a flame war, I'm just interested in what people think. So far the most likely sites have been searched and nothing has been found, not even traces of WMD.

Personally, I don't think Saddam had an ongoing WMD plan. From what I've been reading, ever since Gulf War I, he was becoming more and more of a paper tiger, his sons were persuing their hedonistic lives and everyone was telling Saddam what he wanted to hear which wasn't necessarily reality. A lot like Hitler in his last days. I do believe that there were WMD left over from GW I but whether they were viable is highly debatable.
5. They will be found when the CIA gets an opportunity to sneak 'em in and "discover" them ...

Seriously: I think 1. is the best option for now. Dr. Blix was trying to discover if 1. is true, but a certain superpower didn't like this method and maybe even would prefer 5. above ... or a new round of inspection, done by patriottic and not by international researches.
They used them on US forces when they were invading Iraq. No?

I heard the forces searching for the WoMD, Task Force 85 or whatever they were called, have concluded there weren't any. Oops :rolleyes:
I am sure something if not all will be found ---- now that some of the most senior iraq officials have been detained / just alittle time is needed. -- Either way though Iraq is a better place with saddam gone - Iraq's population thinks so too ( I am sure Iran is happy to know that he will not be throwing more scuds that way loaded with chemicals). Now the rebuild is needed, when it is stable let the new iraq gov take over.
I vote for option 5 also. Bush has too much publicity invested in WMD to just go and not find any. Whether there are any in Iraq now or not, they will turn up there in the next few weeks.

[edit - I accidentally made it sound like I thought GW Bush had some credibility left]
Yeah, the CIA is going to plant WMD evidence - right. Getting caught doing that is far far riskier then having no WMD's ever found. The ramifications of a conspiracy on that level, if exposed, would be catastrophic. I would be the first one in the streets of Washington, rising up against the government and hurling flaming molotov cocktails through the White House windows.

That reminds me of a "friend" of mine who is totally convinced that the CIA created AIDS to kill off the homosexuals and blacks and use it a social class controller. The other biggie is that the CIA created crack cocaine to bolster the American prison-industrial complex and use as another social control component against the blacks to keep them down so us lily-white folk can be rich and happy. Those are his 2 favorites, and he's got an impressive network of conspiracies to back all that up. :D
Sounds like the conspiracy theory that good old McCarthy was so proud of. That the US was about to be taken over by communists and that it was his duty to route them out and destroy them.

Did he ever find any? I know that he ruined many Americans in the process and was partly responsible for accelerating the cold war.

I digress, Habilis, you didn't voice your opinion?!
I wouldn't put anything past the government.... then again, I just finished watching X-Files, season one on DVD..... but I'm sure there's plenty of secret government organizations to help cover political ass, whether it be planting "evidence" or keeping us away from whatever is at Area 51.

Cynical? Maybe. But you have to admit, the government pulled plenty of crap trying to confuse the public about the Kennedy assassination... Pictures showing his head intact, despite the testimony of his wife, or the video evidence... I'm sure there's plenty we don't know about what our government is doing.

The truth is out there.

Edit: I don't "know" of any conspiracies... I'm not crazy. Just skeptical.
Originally posted by Ugg
Habilis, you didn't voice your opinion?!
If I have to make a choice, I'd say I agree partly with your opinion; The large-scale WMD programs were dismantled after GW '91, but small scale programs continued underground. Remember all the intercepted communiqués that Powell had on tape when he went to the UN - it was just a matter of days before the war was to start and the Iraqi military was saying things like "What do you want us to do about the nerve agents".

"Where are all the WMD's?" is a very good question. The WMD's were in Iraq shortly before the invasion. There is literally thousands and thousands of pounds of weaponized anthrax that is still unaccounted for, among many other weaponized chem/bio agents. How do you just lose something like that under the iron-fisted rule of SH? You don't. I contend that what weapons they had just before the invasion were buried and hidden and moved into the hands of shady entities...