1. There aren't any.
2. They were stolen by Iraqi's, Syrians, Al Qaeda, terrorists etc.
3. They've been dumped in rivers, buried in the desert, hidden.
4. Other?
I don't mean to start a flame war, I'm just interested in what people think. So far the most likely sites have been searched and nothing has been found, not even traces of WMD.
Personally, I don't think Saddam had an ongoing WMD plan. From what I've been reading, ever since Gulf War I, he was becoming more and more of a paper tiger, his sons were persuing their hedonistic lives and everyone was telling Saddam what he wanted to hear which wasn't necessarily reality. A lot like Hitler in his last days. I do believe that there were WMD left over from GW I but whether they were viable is highly debatable.
2. They were stolen by Iraqi's, Syrians, Al Qaeda, terrorists etc.
3. They've been dumped in rivers, buried in the desert, hidden.
4. Other?
I don't mean to start a flame war, I'm just interested in what people think. So far the most likely sites have been searched and nothing has been found, not even traces of WMD.
Personally, I don't think Saddam had an ongoing WMD plan. From what I've been reading, ever since Gulf War I, he was becoming more and more of a paper tiger, his sons were persuing their hedonistic lives and everyone was telling Saddam what he wanted to hear which wasn't necessarily reality. A lot like Hitler in his last days. I do believe that there were WMD left over from GW I but whether they were viable is highly debatable.