Where can I find OSX boot disk for an old G4


And what is the latest version that will run on a G4.

I have 2 machines that I want to keep up and running. The first is a Dual 1 gHz G4 with 2 Gigs of ram(mirrored drive door) and it has 10.4.11 installed. The second machine is a Single processor G4 700MHz with 768megs or ram and has 10.3.9 installed.

So the question is: Where can I find bootable cd's for these machines and what is the latest version of the OS that will still run on them?

Thankfully they are currently working but with no boot disk, I don't know how I'd repair them if they ever needed it.
OS 10.5 (Leopard) is the very latest you can possibly run on a PPC based Mac. EBay or other 'previously used' software outlets are the only places you van find it. Make sure you get the retail version (black) as the grey disks, being machine specific, will not work.
You'll find that the older G4 (700 MHz) cannot install 10.5 without a special trick or two.
Even if you install Leopard, you will find out why Apple designed 10.5 for more powerful processors. Slower G4s are more comfortable with 10.4
Thank you both. I din't know that about the grey disks but that solves a different mystery for me. I was hoping to run 10.5 for the sake of time machine but not having a copy, it didn't make sence to go buy it just to find out.
Thank you both. I din't know that about the grey disks but that solves a different mystery for me. I was hoping to run 10.5 for the sake of time machine but not having a copy, it didn't make sence to go buy it just to find out.
MacOS X 10.4 did not come preinstalled on either of your Power Mac G4s. You installed MacOS X 10.4 from a standard retail copy of the OS. The DVD used to install the OS will boot both of your G4s. You do not need either System Restore disc.