* This amendment was created because of the shenanigans of Aaron Burr who tried to steal the presidency from Thomas Jefferson
* This amendment was made largely as a result of the Civil Rights movement led by African-Americans in the 1960s
* This amendment enabled the residents of Washington, D.C. to choose between Johnson and Goldwater in the election of 1964
* Because of this amendment, you only have to be 14 years old in Michigan to get a leaner's permit but in California, you must be 15
* Which one of these amendments was the subject of a movie starring Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones? What was the name of the movie?
* This amendment was made largely as a result of the Civil Rights movement led by African-Americans in the 1960s
* This amendment enabled the residents of Washington, D.C. to choose between Johnson and Goldwater in the election of 1964
* Because of this amendment, you only have to be 14 years old in Michigan to get a leaner's permit but in California, you must be 15
* Which one of these amendments was the subject of a movie starring Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones? What was the name of the movie?