Which OS are you?

Don't know what happened but I am
src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2003/01/os_quiz/slackware.jpg" width="300" height="90"
border="0" alt="You are Slackware Linux. You are the brightest among your peers, but are often mistaken as insane. Your elegant solutions to problems often take a little longer, but require much less effort to complete.">
tried editing this a couple of times, but all I get is text (html and img stuff is something I haven't used for anything, so don't have a clue when it doesn't work) must be why I get the Slackware prize???
Delta, just use the [ img ] tag (no html).

I did one similar before, and I got gnu/hurl ... today:

I answered what I thought ASAP after reading the questions and possible answers and I'm this OS... No cheating here but still: Is that good? :confused: I knew that I would not get ANY Windows as a reply! :p :D ;)


  • redhat.jpg
    43.9 KB · Views: 13
Did that along time ago, once being OSX the other time being BeOS.
<a href="http://bbspot.com/News/2003/01/os_quiz.php"><img
src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2003/01/os_quiz/os_x.jpg" width="300" height="90"
border="0" alt="You are OS X. You tend to be fashionable and clever despite being a bit transparent. Now that you've reached some stability you're expecting greater popularity."><br>Which OS are You?</a>