Unfortunately not to my knowledge. InDesign doesn't attach that type of data to the file info. This is something that Adobe Bridge should be able to tell you, I checked, it doesn't. I have many .indd files made in the last 7 years (unmodified & unopened) and they all say CS4, which is the version of InDesign I have installed.
It won't even tell you what version if you opened it. It'll only tell you if it was created in a more recent version of InDesign than what you have on your machine. Even then InDesign won't allow you to open it unless the original file was saved back... what sucks even more is InDesign only lets you save back one version at a time (CS5 to CS4, CS4 to CS3, etc.). I can go on for awhile about how these aspects frustrate me.
The file you have will take on the identity of the version of software you have on your machine.