While you guys talk OS, they talk 3D

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I think cellfish should be arrested for multiple counts of arson.

mindbend: Please don't format your posts like that... all caps is the equivalent of shouting online, and it looks like you're trying to shout cellfish down. Rather, put what he says in
's and respond normally. Thank you.
One of the mods should change his screen name to smellfish! :)

They actually can't really do that as they have no grounds, but it would be helsa funny!
Lets knock off the troll bashing guys. Cellfish is entitled to his view. His criteria for the comparison are his own, and I would disagree on these criteria - and the vast difference in specs of the machines he compares - but I suspect that the things Cellfish mentions are important to him.

Honestly, I use WindowsXP and Mac OS X, everyday. I prefer Mac OS X, but I prefer it for MY reasons. If I were into "file-sharing" or 3d gaming, I'd probably be happier on the Windows platform. For getting my work done (design, web, programming) quickly and easily, my Mac never lets me down.

If you prefer Windows, Cellfish, good for you. XP, despite all our complaints about crashing, does actually work. I think it works badly, but I can't deny that it does work.

But before you next troll, make sure you have legitimate points to make and that you know what you are talking about, otherwise you will be shot down in flames.
Originally posted by symphonix
But before you next troll, make sure you have legitimate points to make and that you know what you are talking about...
I think very few of cellfish's posts have had any of these... hence his home under the bridge.
...otherwise you will be shot down in flames.
Already has been, on many occasions.
Originally posted by evildan

It also seems very apparent to me that you've never spent any amount of time on an OSX machine at all. I don't want my response to turn into point counter-point, so I'll only make one point. If you knew anything about the macintosh platform, you'd know it has a high retention rate. People who use Macintosh tend to stay on that platform. Why would you think you're argument (which is pretty weak) would change the minds of Macintosh enthusiasts?

I bought a Mac in November and sold my PC at the same time to give the Mac a fair chance. After realizing how difficult the simplest of tasks, I became frustrated. I didn't think much of it at first since I was giving the machine a chance, but by May I was fed up. It's fun to get into a folder in Windows, double-click on an image and know that by pressing CTRL-UP and CTRL-DOWN, i can view the next pic in the folder and that if I press HOME, i go to the top of the list. It's frustrating to open up Preview on the Mac and know that if I want to see an entire folder, I'll have to select each JPG (because somtimes folders have other files) and then wait up to two minutes for them to load into Preview. That's just an example of frustration.

Lastly, I think your post tells me one thing. That Windows users (such as yourself) must be getting scared. That's why you're here. Admit it, you like Mac, you're torn by your feelings of inadequacy and you're venting your frustrations in an anti-mac post. That's it, isn't it?

Actually, that's the thing. I have the benefit of being friends with an employee at Microsoft (he was my best friend in high school then we parted ways but my girlfriend knew him in CEGEP and then we met again in University before he graduated and got hired at Microsoft because of his high GPA) and I know that the Mac is not even seen as a threat. Microsoft doesn't even bother to worry about the Mac because Linux is the only one with a chance to grab a share of Microsoft's market. Besides, what's there to be scared of? Everything is easier to do on a PC anyway.

The only thing I can add to this is a remark about you guys being patient.

XP came out in 2001, I got my copy in September actually because I thought it was awesome. That was when I actually decided to stop pirating because I felt Microsoft deserved a pat on its corporate back for a job well done... since then I haven't pirated anything because of the quality of the product. Since 2001, Microsoft has released the first service pack and continued to improve the product. Sure there were problems and incompatibilities at first, but they are now mostly resolved and all companies are supporting XP, making it the best OS available as of yet.

Meanwhile in the Apple camp, you had OS X.0 come out in 2000. While it was slow, all Mac users were claiming that 10.1 would solve all problems. Lucky for you, it was a free upgrade but it didn't improve much anyway and you guys were promising that 10.2 would rock. 10.2 comes out as a paid upgrade with improvements tht look good on paper but are totally useless in practice. It's faster, but it's still garbage. You guys eventually realized that it was garbage and set your sights on Panther. Panther will apparently solve all the problems of the world, eradicate hunger from the world, cure cancer, successfully quarantine all aids patients and give us a direct link to God. Meanwhile, PAnther WILL come out but it will be the same inevitable disappointment as every previous release. Not only that, you will have to pay for the pleasure of using that disappointment.

Add to that the fact that programs in the Mac camp very often require incremental versions. If you have 10.0, you can't use much of the new software. Try 10.1 and you're very limited, everything requires 10.2. Once 10.3 comes out, the guy who can't afford the upgrade will be begging left in the dark. It'll be the same as 10.4 comes out. Meanwhile in the PC camp with Windows, most programs require Windows 95 with IE 4. In some rare cases, a minimum of Windows 98 is required. Anybody who bought 98 and is satisfied with it still has access to all new programs and if he buys a completely new system, he can still use that Windows 98 on the new system, set it up with the right drivers and take advantage of the new software.

As it is on the PC camp, you can often only buy one operating system and it will last you a decade. On the Mac camp, a 150$ OS upgrade will last you a year at most before you have to buy another one to keep up.

The worst part is that if you shell out 2000$ to buy a PC from a local retailer, you get a great monitor, a great 3d card, a quality motherboard and sound card and a great PC loaded with the OS and probably an office suite. Spend 2000$ on the Mac and you get a cheap iMac that comes with AppleWorks, has terrible sound, an entry-level 3D card and a computer that looks like pretty much everyone else's.

Can you thus imagine why Microsoft does not feel threatened by Apple? They KNOW that nobody except true morons would spend a great amount of money for the VIRTUAL possibility of a more stable, more reliable computer. The experienced PC user will go to a PC with XP knowing that not only does he get top quality for his dollar, but it's rock-solid too, compatible with everything and simply a joy to use. With the PC, you get what you pay for so pay 600$ and you'll get a PC and pay 2000$ and you'll get a true-blue powerhouse. On the Mac side, 600$ won't buy you anything and 2000$ will buy you something that takes 2 minutes just to boot up.

Due to complaints about trolling, this thread is closed now. Everyone can have their bad days, just take your dog for a walk or go to a museum or find other offline activities for the bad days. Go to XP forums and find arguments against XP and pro OS X and you can wait equally the threads get closed. If the 'moron' was used by anyone against anybody, the consequences could have been more than just closing the thread. Calm down, and have a refreshing sleep. Tomorrow is an other day.

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