Who, from macosx.com, has the oldest Mac?


"How many Macs do you have?" has inspired me to make this thread. What is the oldest mac you have, still working, at home?

The oldest mac in this house: Macintosh SE. Still working great! Date: March 1987.

My dad once had the Lisa, but he trew it away. :confused: (he liked it though..)

You can look up specs and date of introduction at Apple History.
Technically not a Macintosh, but made by the same company, I own two original Apples: an Apple ][ (1977), which is functional, and an Apple ][e (1983), which is non-functional at the moment.

I found them laying out on the side of a pawn shop building, and they had educational stickers (School name, phone, unit #, etc.) affixed to them, which have since been removed. They were covered in leaves and debris, and the ][e's keyboard was warped and had missing keys. Later, after bringing them home and opening them up, I discovered leaves INSIDE the computer. I asked the pawn shop owner how much he'd like for them, and he willingly gave them to me for free.

After a thorough cleaning, the ][ boots and I can perform simple BASIC programming on it, but not much more. The ][e has something wrong with it, but is close to functioning. I also got an old Apple 12" monochrome monitor, which looks like it was either part of the ]['s or the ][e's package at the time, and a dual 5 1/4" drive which can be attached to either the ][ or ][e. The monitor doesn't work and I don't have disks to test the dual-floppy drives.

Anyway, that's it. If I absolutely MUST have a Macintosh to participate in this, well, my best friend of 26 years and also neighbor has an original Macintosh 128k and external hard drive that we used to play Dark Castle and TAO (This Ain't Othello) on.
I have and Apple II plus... not technically a mac though... I also have a Mac Classic, which isn't that uncommon. ;)
Here are my Apple systems;

  • 1984: Apple IIc
    1989: Macintosh IIcx and IIci
    1991: Quadra 700 and 900
    1992: Quadra 950, Macintosh IIvx and LC II
    1994: Power Macintosh 7100 and PowerBook Duo 280
    1995: Power Macintosh 7500
    1996: Power Macintosh 6400
    1998: PowerBook G3 (Wallstreet)
    2000: iMac
I have an AII+ and AIIe, a Mac+ and other newer computers. The AII was used until 1989. But then I couldn't one of the chips anymore (one of the 74LS chips used for the video was quite fragile and I had to replace it every other week).
chevy said:
I have an AII+ and AIIe, a Mac+ and other newer computers. The AII was used until 1989. But then I couldn't one of the chips anymore (one of the 74LS chips used for the video was quite fragile and I had to replace it every other week).

The Apple II DOS was started from the floppy by typing 6 ctrl-K !
looks like I'm in good company -
I have an Apple II+ and an Apple IIe - packed away in storage though.

love those steel 5.5" floppy drive, case covers, and hard cube-like keys on the keyboard. that's some engineering baby!
speaking of the oldies (but goodies), did anyone ever play that old beach head game on the Apple II's? those paddles were interesting to get used to.
The oldest Mac I have is a Performa 5320 (1995), which I still use today, mainly for CD playing and watching the TV.

I have access to a MacSE 30 (1989) at work, still works. I did have access to a Mac Portable (1989), but we threw that away as this was not working anymore. A lot heavier than a PowerBook G4 (2001) :)

I think that's it...
I don't think the Apple IIwas very big over here compared to the Mac. I still have my first mac, a Colour Classic from 1993. It's called Ed and it rocks.
The oldest mac i have is a dual 1.25 MDD
it's so old i can't stand it!! It's been an ENTIRE
year since i got it...need to upgrade soon! ;P
Hey ipants, I'll take it if you decide to get rid of it! :D My dad's got one, it's quite a beaut.

Do our old Macs have to be currently set up and running, or just potentially functional? We have a IIsi (used that until 1998! :eek: :)), IIfx I believe, and LC in the garage... and I have no idea what happened to the Apple II we used to have (got replaced by the IIsi back when the latter was new, the Apple II probably got tossed).

(BTW, Racer: You have to put {*} (with [] instead of {}, of course) before each list item for vB lists to show up correctly. :))