Who invented time travel?

While I am no expert in neuropharmacology, a cat brain and human brain probably use the same if not very similar neurotransmitters. This frame rate that you talk about is precisely what I've thought about for years, but with a slight swist. First though, I'll discuss the frame rate anamoly you wrote about. A cat brain is smaller than a human brain and probably is mapped functionally similar to a human brain, i.e. the visual cortex is located at the back of the brain and of course a brainstem exists to control breathing and cardiac timing. Nerves have maximum rates at which they can conduct nerve impulses, so conceivably, a cat brain can process information faster than a human brain. Now before anyone says "wait a minute", I'm referring strictly to reactions to various normal sensory input. A cat sees a fly zipping around in the air and can knock it down with its paw because it can react faster than we humans can. The nerve impulses in a cat brain don't travel as far as in a human brain to get processed. With regard to the fly and its miniscule bundle of nerve fibers it has for neutral circuity, it zips around, correcting for wind, and animal movements much faster because the nerve impulses travel much shorter distances to get processed.

Now getting back to the human frame rate analomy, we have all heard that the older one gets the faster time flies. Well, I have an idea about this too. I think it happens to be that as children, we often get bored, moving from one thing to the next, because we CRAVE stimulation for a neuron-rich brains. Our neurons as children are under stimulated or not saturated. But as we age, thousands upon millions of neurons die, and that over time these neurons get saturated with stimulation and use, therefore we perceive time to move much faster.
I invented time travel because with out me there would be no time. Nothing would exist for you if you did not exist. You are the answer, as am I. ;) Or maybe I'm just dumb :confused:
Hmm... All this talk of framerate an essentially MHZ of the human brain has made me recall a theory I have:

Computers of equal megahertz (mhz) can compute at different rates due to the length of the binary language they use. (ie: 32bit, 64bit, etc) Generally the higher the number, the faster the computations per time unit. Now, if this is a fact of computers, is it also applicable to humans? Think about it: Humans all over the world have differnt languages. What might take an English speaking person a whole sentence to describe, may take just a single word to describe in an Asian language such as Chinese. People think in the same language that they learned growing up. So, do the Chinese THINK more efficiently than the English? Does this enable them to advance in technology and learning faster than the English speaking/thinking nations? They have hundreds of letters in their alphabet while we have but 26. Does this give an advantage?

Also, has anyone ever tried to calculate what mhz the brain may be operating at? Or what regulates the neural connections? An I/O system for thinking? If so, Could we directly interface a computer with the brain someday soon? Scary huh?
I've heard in other non-English speaking countries they tend to learn English if they are into technology because it has more technology based words than most languages.
my theory of time travel, as in travelling through time at a speed different from everything else, is as follows:
You can't go back in time, because its already happened, and can't happen again. Likewise, you can't go forward in time because it hasn't happened yet.
I've just edited this post from the future. I predict that xaqintosh will post:

that part I'm not too sure about, but my opinion is it can't happen again. However, if anyone could prove it to the contrary, I'd gladly accept it. As of now, I just don't see how it would be possible for it to happen again.

Looks like it's going to happen again. Watch:
that part I'm not too sure about, but my opinion is it can't happen again. However, if anyone could prove it to the contrary, I'd gladly accept it. As of now, I just don't see how it would be possible for it to happen again.
The universe is slowly expanding.... and when it reaches the end of the expansion it will shrink and time will repeat itself.

Boy wouldn't that suck.
i seriously wonder if any of us are qualified to make any theories are assumptions about time travel.
Haha... was that in response to my post? Haven't you ever seen the movie about the alien in the mental hospital .... I can't remember the name though... oh yeah K-PAX !
Originally posted by Da_iMac_Daddy
The universe is slowly expanding.... and when it reaches the end of the expansion it will shrink and time will repeat itself.

Boy wouldn't that suck.

You mean won't that have sucked, right? lol
actually it wasn't really in response to any one specific post, just a number of these posts i've seen are spouting off theory as if it were fact. then we're basing our own unintelligible theories based on others' theories, so it gets all crazy and the like.
but i'm not one to judge, because then i'd be a hypocrite.
man, i'm just adding to the fallacies ^_^.
I know the answer now! :)

Starbucks! LOL

Drink enough mocha venti's in one evening and you'll speed into the future too! And everyone will actually witness you warping time in a small bubble around your body, as you appear to shake wildly and talk faster than humanly possible.

I've seen it happen! And all the while, everyone else appears to slow down to a crawl, barely getting any work done.

Downside: I think your heart ages in dog years though at the same time...
I have posted this from the future. I predict chemistry_geek will make the following statement:


Your mention of our reality and concept of time being a combination of "a plan" and "random events" reminds me of an article titled "Six Degrees of Separation" that I think is in the December 1997, 98, or 99 issue of Discover Magazine and chaos theory I briefly studied as an undergraduate. Some mathematician proposed that any two people anywhere are connected by at most six individuals. I mentioned this "Six Degrees of Separation" in a thread about one or two years ago. {...}

If I already know what's going to happen... why should I wish to continue? Seems to take all the mystery out of life...
The universe is slowly expanding.... and when it reaches the end of the expansion it will shrink and time will repeat itself.

Actually, this possibility has been mostly disproven. For a 'big crunch' to occur, the universe's rate of expansion would have to be slowing down. It's not. In just the last few years, we've discovered it is speeding up. The universe seems destined to expand forever, until it is so diffuse that it suffers 'heat death' i.e. the energy will be spread so thin that nothing much can happen any more.

As for who invented time travel ...

I suppose a clarification is in order: who first invented the IDEA of time travel, or who invented a MEANS of time travel? As for the IDEA - you could maybe point to HG Wells or Mark Twain.

The means? Nobody. The pronoun 'who' suggests a human being, the verb 'invent' suggests an act of creating something that did not previously exist.

Mundane, day-per-day forward time travel is a function of thermodynamics. "Forward" in time is the direction in which entropy increases. This was not a human "invention". A discovery, perhaps, but human volition was not a key factor.

I feel secure in saying that there is no human being who, if he or she had never been born, mundane forward time travel would not be happening. (And I sincerely hope we are not talking about "Adam" - because personally, I regard him as a fictional character.)

As for BACKWARD time travel? Well, it has been suggested that time is an illusion that our brains create to allow us to make sense of our lives. Yet this would apply to animals too; we see no evidence that animal behavior is influenced by events that have not yet occurred. It seems also to apply to inanimate objects, at least at the macroscopic scale. We find no geologic, fossil or astronomic evidence of future events.

Stephen Hawking and others have imagined ways in which backward time travel (a "closed timelike path" as he calls it) might be possible in principle - and not just psychologically, but literally. But none of these means are remotely within our technological reach today.

Your mention of our reality and concept of time being a combination of "a plan" and "random events" reminds me of an article titled "Six Degrees of Separation" that I think is in the December 1997, 98, or 99 issue of Discover Magazine and chaos theory I briefly studied as an undergraduate. Some mathematician proposed that any two people anywhere are connected by at most six individuals. I mentioned this "Six Degrees of Separation" in a thread about one or two years ago. (sorry I don't have a link to the thread). It turns out that people are connected by a network or "extended families". Parallel to this idea is that I think that people think and act, i.e. their minds work in certain ways and can be grouped according to talents, gifts, abilities. The media and politicians describe and categorize Terrorism as random acts of violence when in fact they are planned events. Even with the killer who "in the spur of the moment" kills another human it can probably be shown that his/her mind "thinks" in a regular periodic manner. Remember, the human brain is a nonlinear parallel processing system. At certain moments, behaviors, emotions, thoughts could be reasonably predicted with the right analysis (look up a software program called Knowledgeminer, it's Mac only). I remember seeing an image of the first fractals I produced with a program called Matlab for a math assignment. It was a bifurcation diagram and in that diagram were areas of regular predictability and other areas of random dots. The same series or parts of the image continued into inifinity. I think that what we call pivotal moments in our lives are just a combination of timed events, intervals in which are brains are active that mesh togerther with another. There are certain events that are "anchor" events like the day/night cycle, but it's what happens during the times that are brains are most active that changes our direction and perspective in life. I'm confident that a parallel could be found between the thermodynamics of particles and social dynamics of people.
Imagine if this forum were a time machine. 

[B]We are in a time machine.[/B]

All threads can be accessed. 

[B]All threads are a timeline of

Consciousness is preserved.

[B]The server has stored our thoughts[/B].

MacLuv seems to have replaced his thoughts with a symbol of happiness.

[B]Is it possible to alter time 
by replacing nodes, or is the flow of 
consciousness broken?[/B]

Is it possible that at any given moment,
if anything in your past had happened
differently, you would be still
be reading this sentence right now?

[B]Are you in control of your own destiny? 
Or is it predetermined?[/b]