Who wants Ed removed as administrator?

Should Ed calm down or leave?

  • Yes Ed, please stop deleting our opinions and calm down

  • Yes Ed, please leave your post as administrator of this forum

  • no

  • who is Ed?

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Well I dont think that should happen, if you had said something to say that is not vulgar or offensive, then i think your post should be left alone.

while i once again apologize for not having kept proof, you will just have to take my word for it this time that NO POST HAS EVER BEEN DELETED SIMPLY BECAUSE I DIDN'T AGREE WITH IT!!

if there weren't more than one violation of site rules in the posts in question here, they wouldn't have been deleted. Break one rule and i dig into the post and edit it to conform. sometimes i send a private warning to the poster if i believe they did it intentionaly.

in fact, the one way i improperly did my job with the posts in question is that i did not issue an official warning to the posters which would then mean they would be eligible for banning. I also haven't deleted or moderated any of their dissatisfaction with me and my actions which would have been grounds for their banning if i had issued the original warning i am expected to by admin. I certainly have had my character attacked here and have not taken "nazi" measures in retaliation.

but perhaps i should be removed as moderator by admin because i don't seem to be able to enforce the rules strictly enough. i tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to give them every opportunity to be productive members of the community here. but when i finally do something about it, it seems to end in this kind of self centered confrontation with my name being slandered.

and MacLuv - i think we are more than even over the amount of each other's time and energy that's been wasted.

(and thanks Niles;) )
Originally posted by MacLuv
I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was a room full of AA members and ED was the group sponsor...

Many of those who noticed me around here will know I am a fun loving person who has never wanting to engage in a flame war, but I think you are the first to really get to me.

No one is supporting Ed because we are just friends standing up for each other. We are sincerely glad he has done a great job here as a mod.

Stop this whole anti-Ed campaign. You have had enough practise for politics. Don't end up making the users here vote you out instead. And calling other people names is a little too much.
Originally posted by viktor
MDLarson. are the arrows ment to go backwards? in your avatar that is. :P
Hmm, your monitor must be broken… Looks like they're goin' the right way to me! :)

Naw, I set 'em to go backwards.
oh so now you are showing your charger pride? what about supporting all the poor chaps the other years?? ;) ;)

anyways i wouldnt mind helping ed, up to you guys though :)

as far as im concerned this guy is a weak link and really if you just ignore him it might not get so *big* O_o

btw the bills are gonna stomp on the chargers this season ;)

bills are my team, chargers second, i went to last years game, damn that was an awesome one, although the wrong team won, i still love flutie oh well :D
There will always be opinions and people will always disagree. Macluv makes some valid points but the arguement is mute at this point. If one is so offended by something than he has the right to leave or voice himself, but that doesn't mean he is right or wrong. No one will ever be right or wrong, because nothing is really factual now is it? The truth is out there..but none of us will ever find it ;) Let's just drop the subject and stop wasting our time discussing something that is being blown way out of hand and use our elite typing skills to maybe discuss what brand of toilet paper is best and why it is the best :)
Buddah - i think the Boltz/Bills game will be one of the best of the year. i really like the current Bills. they have some great Ohio State and U. of Tenn. players on there. The niners are my second favorite team but the Bills are quickly becoming my third.

and yes, i had all my bumper stickers still on my van (the Boltz mobile, complete with lightening decals) last year when we were 1-15 so don't even try calling me a fairweather fan. I wear my shirts out the day after a loss and still have pride. Say Ow. :D

hum, i guess that is off topic. we're supposed to be discussing toilet paper, right? i like Charmin and any of those 'soft' brands.
i was tempted to fly to buffalo for the game lol, last year was horrid for the both of us :) but this year is fun :)

drew is the man! and so is peerless and eric moulds! and travis henry!



i hate that toilet paper in public restrooms that are all hard and stuff, chaffs the bum hole ;)
Originally posted by MDLarson
Hmm, your monitor must be broken… Looks like they're goin' the right way to me! :)

Naw, I set 'em to go backwards.

How's that saying go? "A step backward is a step in the right direction if you were facing the wrong way to begin with." Something like that ;)
Originally posted by ksv
The majority of all conflicts are between authorities and their people.

I think its pretty funny how ksv keeps interjecting these little comments against capitalism and such, although I can't really tell if he's being serious :p :rolleyes: ;)
yep, ed is in fact inhuman... he was bred from a d'hari and a tstet'l alien species, thus the reason for 3 nipples, interchangable eyes and extra long arms (of law?)



Heres what I have to say...

A) macluv or what ever your name is, to be honest I didnt care to look... If you say that we dont have any users who post.... take a freeking look at our member number... and the post number.

B) The last I checked your not exactly the top poster, nor some huge person in this community... And not once has your name come across a conversation I and Scott have had about making you a cornerstone a Admin or some type of name in this website.

C) no one asked you.

D) Go ahead and try to make another Mac Community... to be honest, most who have tried have failed... including myself (on my own time, with out the help of others) and many others who you see and "type" to every day. But if you think that non censorship will attract users, your wasting time. We have a few users who put up a fuss about a few missing posts and the majority of the rest thank us for the effort to keep it under control.

You're one single outbreak isnt going to make us say, hey he's right, lets give Ed the boot, refresh our moderator group with a bunch of idiots that let porn, swear words, stupid comments run free.

Bottom line is, this decision is not going to be moved or heck, even set in motion by your comment, your poll.

Dont get me wrong, we dont want users to drop like flies, but we much rather have a few smart, respectful type rather than a bunch of wild posters who scare the rest away.

Rules are rules, they apply to all, if Ed did what you were doing, or did something aganist the rules, someone would apply the same force he used on you, on him...

We arnt nazies, we arn't trying to create the perfect group of posters, we are just trying to make it live-able...

As far as I am concerned this topic is going no where. I'd rather close this topic and call it a night... But I will leave this topic open, letting it be known, that this is how it is, and how it will stay unless ed goes crazy or what ever happens...I'll be personally watching this topic and if it gets back to being a harsh topic, it will be closed... and if we make me close this topic.... *trails off* =D...

And to MacLuv- As any type of moderator, or figure of some power, let it be to write you a speeding ticket or power to call you on correct interaction with peers on a message boards comes with a golden sign that we hang around our necks... kick me here, or here or here, with fancy arrows pointing to the key locations...
Ed gets the most of it, because, unfortanatly or not, he's the one who catches these more often than the rest... let it be because he has more time, or because he just happens to see them, who knows... but telling you from a higher view, he's the one who does the majority of the dirty work. Its not Ed.
If I was doing the same as Ed is right now I'd be getting the same treatment, the same comments. We are lucky to have Ed as a moderator, but not so much as that, but as a user. Ed contributes quite a bit to a number of forums, and not nearly all of them are closing forms or moving topics or this or that.
Give Ed a break, because we all know he needs one.

Please give me a break too, Its 1:00AM and I dont feel like reading all over that and checking for spelling errors..
Originally posted by Alex
Heres what I have to say...

A) macluv or what ever your name is, to be honest I didnt care to look... If you say that we dont have any users who post.... take a freeking look at our member number... and the post number.

B) The last I checked your not exactly the top poster, nor some huge person in this community... And not once has your name come across a conversation I and Scott have had about making you a cornerstone a Admin or some type of name in this website.

C) no one asked you.

D) Go ahead and try to make another Mac Community... to be honest, most who have tried have failed... including myself (on my own time, with out the help of others) and many others who you see and "type" to every day. But if you think that non censorship will attract users, your wasting time. We have a few users who put up a fuss about a few missing posts and the majority of the rest thank us for the effort to keep it under control.

You're one single outbreak isnt going to make us say, hey he's right, lets give Ed the boot, refresh our moderator group with a bunch of idiots that let porn, swear words, stupid comments run free.

Bottom line is, this decision is not going to be moved or heck, even set in motion by your comment, your poll.

Dont get me wrong, we dont want users to drop like flies, but we much rather have a few smart, respectful type rather than a bunch of wild posters who scare the rest away.

Rules are rules, they apply to all, if Ed did what you were doing, or did something aganist the rules, someone would apply the same force he used on you, on him...

We arnt nazies, we arn't trying to create the perfect group of posters, we are just trying to make it live-able...

As far as I am concerned this topic is going no where. I'd rather close this topic and call it a night... But I will leave this topic open, letting it be known, that this is how it is, and how it will stay unless ed goes crazy or what ever happens...I'll be personally watching this topic and if it gets back to being a harsh topic, it will be closed... and if we make me close this topic.... *trails off* =D...

And to MacLuv- As any type of moderator, or figure of some power, let it be to write you a speeding ticket or power to call you on correct interaction with peers on a message boards comes with a golden sign that we hang around our necks... kick me here, or here or here, with fancy arrows pointing to the key locations...
Ed gets the most of it, because, unfortanatly or not, he's the one who catches these more often than the rest... let it be because he has more time, or because he just happens to see them, who knows... but telling you from a higher view, he's the one who does the majority of the dirty work. Its not Ed.
If I was doing the same as Ed is right now I'd be getting the same treatment, the same comments. We are lucky to have Ed as a moderator, but not so much as that, but as a user. Ed contributes quite a bit to a number of forums, and not nearly all of them are closing forms or moving topics or this or that.
Give Ed a break, because we all know he needs one.

Please give me a break too, Its 1:00AM and I dont feel like reading all over that and checking for spelling errors..

Well aren't you just General Friendly?

What # post is this? I only started this poll in the first place because of one reason--taxation without representation. I'm sure you're familiar with that term... it's why you live in the land of the free.

If I sat back idley and let Ed just "get away" with deleting my post because he felt he was "following the rules" then I'd be something of a sheep, and since I'm not a sheep, I figured I'd bitch and moan and kick up a fuss until Ed at the very least kicked in an apology. Which he sort of did. So I shut up. And then I checked my profile box and this thread which, like the Enegizer Bunny never seems to stop going.

I have since forgiven Ed for his shortcomings and yet you come on here and test my resolve by giving me some sort of speech about the workings of the world and how, since I'm not top poster, my opinion doesn't seem to count this way or that. I suppose if the color of my skin was different than yours perhaps my opinion wouldn't count either, would it? No, perhaps I shouldn't go that far, but like Uncle Ben (Parker) says: with great power comes great responsibility. All I've seen of most of the admins in these forums is a sort of complacent abuse of users who, as a whole, make up this community and all others in this world. So please, don't lecture me about how the moderators need my sympathy vote... I thought Ed went over the line and it's started a damn ethics committee which is typical of these forums... nobody can tell me why Apple can't buy into AMD but we'll have 500 posts about somebody's ego trip gone bad.

Ed has been replying to my posts elsewhere and everything is fine... I don't really know why you would want to keep this post open becuase frankly, like you said, it's done. There's no reason to read it and we've all moved on. As far as me opening a new Mac forum, I'll think about it. It's not a threat, but this is the internet and anything can happen. Until then I'd like to continue bitching and moaning about Apple--here, in this forum, without fear that a bored moderator presses the panic button. After all, in the past 18 years my friends have poured more than a quarter of a million dollars in equipment, support, stocks, and bullsh*t into Apple. Maybe more. I've been an Apple advocate for a long time, and a member of the Mac community for far longer than this forum was even born... so once again... no lectures.

Now, if you really want to help me out, just let me be, and I'll get it straight sooner or later on my own. I have been, on occasion, known to tie my shoes by myself.

Ok, so can we go back to posting now? I think I hear my PopTarts burning...
Is there some kind of pic of this 'Ed" machine or (whatever it is) on the internet? Might this 'ED' be a terrorist weapon?

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