why do PC users have so much hate for anything Mac?


Apple Virgin
I still visit a few forums where i used to as a PC owner. Upon announcing me and my fiancee got an ibook laptop people started slating it and posting things like "LOL N00B you shouldn't post here about owning a mac" and stuff like that.
In a new thread someones asking about a getting a cheap powerbook and one reply is:
"cheap and powerbook mac laptop shouldnt be used in the same sentence. ;)"
A valid comment as Mac's are generally more expensive than a PC, but then someone writes this:
"the word 'power' shouldn't be used in the same sentence as 'mac'!" :confused:
Why do they do this? this is like the ongoing battles of ZX spectrum Vs Commodore 64, AtariST Vs. Commodore Amiga and Sega Megadrive Vs. Super Nintendo.
Why do people get so defensive over silly things like this?
then there are the ones who think "There are no games on a mac because they suck"
Have they looked at apple.com/games lately?
You should never listen to the uninformed i guess!
Oh well rant over! :)
Hate stems from ignorance. A rule that applies not only to computers, but everything else, as well.
I think this is just an artefact of making groups. It's not about macs or comps, it's about belonging to a certain group and "hating" other. Something like an ancient driving force humans and animals have. Everyone does this somehow. When you are fan of a certain football team, you will somehow hate all other teams. We are somehow doing it in this forum as well. Dull, windoze, darkside... It's normal. By age we learn to understand this side of our nature and suppress it. Young ppl are mostly not able to do this. I think education is also a parameter
Adam hit it right on. As you could say that if someone came to this forum and started spouting off about how Dells are the best out there, people would defend Macs (hopefully a little more civil and intelligently than PCers ::ha::).
I still say most PC people are divided into 2 groups, those who like mods and experimentation and messing with the mechanical pieces as much as the OS, and those who have no idea and just want the most painless experience possible. The first group isn't made for Macs and the second group is scared of Macs because of all the propaganda that had gone in the past about the differences (and difficulties) of a Mac. To them, Mac is like learning a second, more difficult language (even if it's completely not true and quite the opposite).
Besides, a PC forum is going to have hardcore PC people and therefore arguments are going to be quite strong. Talk to normal people and you'll see a better understanding and tolerance for each others' platform that just about at any other time in this age of computing.
Most hardcore pc ppl who are into modding and mostly present in forums would hate macs since there is no way to upgrade and overclock..
However, I believe this is the basic "instinct" ppl have. Build groups and defend your group from others. It's not like pc ppl are more stupid or childish or whatever. Just mostly young ppl who can't control their basic "instincts". Mac ppl are older (I bet the average age of this forum is a lot higher than those of many pc-forums) and have more control and understand more tolerance. I was posting for few years in a pc forum and there was a fight after an other, just because those "children" are there to prove themselves how good they are in the choice of their systems and try to make their mark.
I see on Usenet all the time people cross posting garbage to other newsgroups. News boards (esp. on Usenet) have generated into such flame feast it has stopped being fun. It seems the more popular the internet has become it has brought out the worst in people (see SlashDot). My heart goes out to the mods of this board (plus other Mac boards) because they must filter out so much FUD it probably seems like a full time job.
Back when I was At college, I was doing an IT course, and next to our room of computers was the Graphic Design students. Their room was kitted out with G4 Towers and G3 iMac's (back in like 2001). Cutting a long story short, i used to hate Mac's, I used Windows, was quite 'into' Windows etc etc. (INFACT I led many people on pushing the Boundaries of Windows XP customization back in 2001. I only joined this forum because i had customized the hell out of Windows (which back then was hard work!!) and i knew it'd be fun to play with you all - some of you might remember?!) It was the 'in thing' to hate the Mac's, although I could never say why! :confused: Anyhow, from what I remember, I wasn't alone, most of the guys in the class would share that view... Even tho i 'hated' Macs, as it was 'the thing to do', apart of me was always curious.

- Design. From the outside in... The iMac's and G4 towers looked head and shoulders cooler than the standard PC crap were using. OS 9 wasn't nice, and the few times i did get a look, it looked horrible, in truth, without OS X, i would not look TWICE @ a Mac, no matter how great they look externally...

- The mysterious 'dong'. At the time, i had no idea what it was, when it occurred or WHY? Just almost every lesson i heard this 'Donnngg' type noise, and it always made me think, well - wtf?!

..Anyhow, since then, I took up on my curiosity, and managed to get me an iBook (Rev.A Icebook 500MHz / 320Mb / 8Mb ATi Rage) running Cheetah. Man it was slow, but it started me off, shortly after Cheetah was released... I kept it for a fair while, then upgraded to a G4 Cube. From here, I was taken in, indefinitely, had the G4 Cube for over a year, til about a month ago when i got my latest and greatest computer :) (see Sig).

I've gone off on a bit of a tangent, but still, i felt i could add something to this topic - Cuz well, i went from hating Mac's because it seemed 'the thing to do', to owning (for only a few weeks i guess now, eh Steve?) the most powerful Mac in the Apple Store! :) - And BOY do i love it, Windows feels so cheap and awful now - HOW many of you attempt to use Exposé hot corners, and then are painfully disapointed when nothing happens on Windows?! :(
No matter what any one says, computers and software are expensive. They represent a major investment on anyone's part.

As with anything that people invest in, they don't want to be wrong about their choice. It is personally embarrassing to think that they didn't actually get their moneys worth or that they made a bad choice.

In the world of personal computers, the Macintosh platform is currently the biggest alternative to Windows (even though Linux is making inroads, it still isn't an alternative for average users). Windows users must (for ego reasons) defend and even attack this alternative to show they made the right choice in choosing Windows.

The main difference I see between this and Mac users defending their platform is that as Mac users we are often forced into using Windows systems against our will (in work environments usually) and we are constantly fighting being marginalized by the Windows world. Oddly enough, these types of actions aren't unique to Mac users (most users of other non-Windows platforms make much the same type of stand), but we tend to be the loudest in our collective cries.

So that would seem (from my experience) to be where the battle lines are drawn... Windows users fighting for ego, Mac users fight to survive as a platform.

And honestly, the ego argument is the only one that really makes any sense when you see Windows users bash Macs. They are rarely (if ever) forced to use Macs and they aren't in any risk of losing Windows to any other platform including Macs.
I have to agree with what has been said here so far.As an example of the ignorance out there, a teacher at the local high school who heads the computer sciences class calls the mac "toys"!So I guess in his opinion if it doesn't come in a rectangular box it isn't worthy of any attention.Needless to say we were quite startled by this admission,I mean here's supposed to be an educated man afterall.Well I do have hope though since my nephew is coming along now, he has the interest in all things computer.I just got to find the time to take him to our local "developer's" house some night so he can show him linux, unix & whatever flavor in between.
Well because they own and primarily use PCs they are obviously idiots. That's why they say these nasty things.
Mat said:
Well because they own and primarily use PCs they are obviously idiots. That's why they say these nasty things.
This is actually the same kind of post those pc-ppl tend to make in their forums. A pitty it came from a mac user..
It is dramatically wrong to believe everyone using pc / mac is an idiot. There is far more dependency on the software but hardware. And you can never know what certain ppl use for their work or private use. As I posted before: I believe it is just a way to gain personal satisfaction in showing how smart you are with your choice which is a very much adolescent.
So most of you think it's to do with a natual instinct to protect your group. I suppose it's part of the same instinct that make you protect your country/religion/football team. :)
To quote a line from a song from Rush " man must built a fortress to defend".Such a shame these base instincts come out in forums where you would think a more intellectual discourse of ideas would be the norm, rather than foaming at the mouth kind of talk!
Or as Yoda would say....."Fear is the path to the Dark Side! Fear leads to anger....Anger leads to hate....Hate leads to suffering!" hehe
My Mac Experience has seen aggression from all Different Groups.
My BeOS Friends see me as a Conformist.
My Windows Friends see me as an Ignorant Try-hard who doesn't really know anything about computers (until I remove thier spyware by Hand using RegEdit).
My Linux Friends see me as a Curio… I don't Hack with my Main Computer. That's what my Linux and BeOS Machines are for. Meanwhile, they're constantly loosing Email Archives, Important Documents and Contacts.
OmegaMan said:
Or as Yoda would say....."Fear is the path to the Dark Side! Fear leads to anger....Anger leads to hate....Hate leads to suffering!" hehe
Okay OmegaMan if you want to get philosophical we should get Cat to weigh in with his take on the matter.Yoda indeed, the little fella sounds like he's constipated :D
i wonder if yoda used an ancient form of a mac :D :rolleyes: ::ha:: (seeing as he lived long ago in a galaxy far far away)
ancient form of mac? Isn't he actually in the future? ;) I believe he was working (is going to) on a G8 with 200GHz and 10.7.3 :D

(ok, missed your second add..)
Originally Posted by Mat
Well because they own and primarily use PCs they are obviously idiots. That's why they say these nasty things.

This is actually the same kind of post those pc-ppl tend to make in their forums. A pitty it came from a mac user..

Dude settle down it was a joke.

I do agree that people just fight for what they have and believe that it is always better than other people's stuff.

For instance my friends and I always stand up for the PS2 if anyone knocks it and we always pay out the XBox. Like wise Mac users stick up for macs and PC users stick up for PCs.

There is also that fear of the unknown with PC users. Many of them have never used Macs and when they finally do they don't know how to do anything and blame it on the machines.
markceltic said:
Okay OmegaMan if you want to get philosophical we should get Cat to weigh in with his take on the matter.Yoda indeed, the little fella sounds like he's constipated :D
When nine hundred years old you reach, be less Constipated you will not. Hmm?