Ok my 2cents,
My girlfriend as an 300mhz pentium ll PC with 68mb ram an 10 or a 7gb harddrive running windoze 98.
She is way more than content with her PC, she only checks her email, types her papers for school and email for school, and runs the occasional programs for her college classes.
My girlfriends Dad never had a computer...........
Butt just bought the Gateway 700xl pentium4 2.53ghz with 512k L2 cache 120gb harddrive with windoze XPeepee.
he will most likely use it for email and websurfing and to do some work at home.
As for me i gotz a HP 850mhz pentium lll with 128mb a 30gb on windows crashME.
I use to run ACID Pro 3, and a few other music programs. I also use it for school and accounting programs. and the email websurfing.......
butt the difference for me is, i am HAPPY with the SPEED of my comp(I know i need more memory)
i do have a short temper........i threw my mouse out the window when i was working on a track and didnt save it in acid pro and the dang thing froze, the whole comp not the program.
then i threw my keyboard out the window when i was working in excel for a college assignment, that i put of to the last minute, and i wanted to listen to music cause i was gettin tired so i went to open up my mp3 player and ......
you guesseded it ....i saw the blue screen of sadness....then so did my keyboard!!!!!!!!
Ok after all that i said that has no point, no is the point you read for....
it like what "RacerX" said its what works for you.....
1. For me I dont need speed.... I need a NEW PLATFORM...which will be MAC X and either the new iBook or Tibook it depends on the money i have by august. (anything like acid pro for mac you guys know about?)
2. I told my girlfriends dad that he could buy my PC.....BUT he has a "napoleon complex"....He needs the biggest, fastest, to run "DIaL_UP" internet surfing and email??????
I dont know why? Plus he paid $5000 for the dang blue screen of sadness
3. as for my girlfriend she had that computer for 4 years and is still happy with it but the only reason she said she said she wants my PC when i eat apple, is the fact of my 3178 songs i have. (ILOVE MP3)
butt i am talking her into a iBook for VET school and i will keep my PC for the thing that needs PC.....or get my mom hooked on eBay
What i am saying is BE HAPPY WE HAVE OPTIONS
so quit complaing and be happy with what we have and get everyone to by APPLE..
your truely,
M$ and bill Gates makes me cry