Old Rhapsody User
by boi
chill. you're talking like i just insulted your mother.
First off, I am not acting like you are insulting my mother (if you were insulting my mother we would be best friends

Have you ever worked with Gateways? Of course they cost next to nothing, because that represents the quality of them! I did support of a company that had 12 Gateways. They were the most crash prone systems I've ever come across. Even if I was a Windows user, I would never willingly pay for a Gateway.
if apple is trying to get converts, they'll have to step it up. mhz sell computers, it's the UI and the ease of use that keep them.
Apple doesn't make processors, Gateway doesn't make processors (or good computers), Dell doesn't make processors (but they'll claim to be the first to have done it to sell systems

okay, great, a mac works best for you. you're more productive with a slow mac than a fast pc. hooray. guess what? someone productive on a pc is now /more/ productive on a fast PC. i'm glad you like your mac better... but i'm not trying to convice YOU to get a PC.
I have never tried to convert anyone. And guess what?, I've been saying that all a long. Why does it bother you that someone is both productive and happy with their PC? I'm happy for people who are productive with their PCs. Part of my job is to make sure that people with PCs are happy and productive. If someone ask me what type of computer they should buy, I ask them what they need it for. If they start down the PC path, then I'll help them with that choice. If they ask me what I use, they find out that I use a Mac. That is as far as I go in pushing any platform.
now about Omniweb: it doesn't fully support java. it renders css wrong. it ignores a lot of css. it forces you to use aqua, which doesn't always fit in a certain table. anti-aliasing is only good for some people. some view it as fuzzy text. most people don't even know what anti-aliasing means, and i don't care if it's anti aliased with a drop shadow... as long as i can read it, i'm fine. IE on windows runs SO quick. admit it... PCs have mac users beat when it comes to browser wars.
First, I have only pointed out what makes OmniWeb my choice of web browsers. Why do you feel the need to affirm your browser choice (I think we are getting into some insecurity issues here) over mine? Could IE (on Windows or Mac) spell check this text as I type it? Could IE (on Mac or Windows) read me your text as it was posted? I have been using OmniWeb for a few years and have been quite happy with it. With OmniWeb 4 on Mac OS X, I have found that pages look better than I have ever seen them (and for some reason they don't seem as annoying as they once were... I wonder why

I would point out that your admit it... comment shows that you have some Mac-PC issues that you need to work out. My computing (and browser for that matter) choices are not governed by the masses (as it sounds like yours are). I use what I want regardless of what anyone else uses (I'm one of the only people who still uses Rhapsody as one of my primary operating systems), so I could careless if PCs have mac users beat in your mind. I have the cool features I want, less of the annoying ones that I don't, and live a very happy life (which it doesn't sound like you can say the same).
anyway, i'd just like to see a little more open-mindedness about the subject. a lot of mac fans are complete fanatics, and don't care WHAT pcs have to offer. that's no way to look at things.
And I have never looked at them that way... so what is your point?