I didn't say anything about calibration AND battery life - I was only expressing an opinion that, because you asked, you seem to be concerned about an unexpected aspect of the calibration process, which you could avoid that concern by not calibrating your batt so freaking often.
Or, not calibrate at all (read on...)
Check this article -
Scroll down to the calibration section (Read the rest if you like), and check the last sentence in that calibration paragraph.
and, lots of good links to other info at the end of that article, that should help alleviate your concerns (and perhaps educate you a bit, too

I think what you should take away from this - is that Lithium Ion batteries do not take kindly to complete discharges - that's completely flat where your laptop shuts off. You posted here with the question about full discharge bringing on a sudden shut off. I would suggest THAT is not good for your particular battery, and you should avoid letting your laptop shut off due to a depleted battery.
THAT is my concern about calibration, and particularly for doing it "too" often (because it fully depletes the battery)
If THAT concerns you, then have your battery replaced.
However, if you still wish to continue to use your battery, because the battery life continues to be satisfactory for your, then, continue to use your battery, until the performance (and the user time from a full charge) is not satisfactory.
So, your ideas about battery life are correct (more or less)
Calibrating maximizes the use of your battery, by optimizing the time that you get from each charge.
The idea that calibration makes the battery last longer before it is eternally exhausted (and won't hold a charge anymore) is not quite true.
I don't leave my MacBook plugged in all the time, but it only is used on battery for more than a few minutes a couple of times a month, when I let it run down to 25% or so, then charge back up. That's just how I use it, and the battery gets full exercise every couple of weeks.
Is my method the "right" method to follow? Works for me. I don't need to be portable, but it gives me the choice. If you like more portability, then that's what YOU do.
I've read lots of posts on similar forums where users want that perfect plan to make the battery last "forever"
Guess what? It isn't going to happen.
Just keep in mind that that any rechargeable battery has a limited life. All batteries will wear out. And, if you keep the computer, you will replace the battery at some point.
Follow the tips to help you work better and longer while on batteries.