Why does the sound level in my system prefs move toward the right speaker?


Everytime I check the sound prefs it's a notch or two over to the right speaker. Has anyone else noticed this? I'm using 10.2.3
I have the same problem, only it moves to either side, not just the right side. I notice it changing when I plug in my stereo to the head phone jack. If I don't use the head phone jack, it stays where it should. No idea how to fix.

Well, it's kinda like this: Apple's Aqua interface is secretly made of an iron-cobalt-copper alloy. I can't say in what proportions these metals are in the Aqua interface because I'm under a non-disclosure agreement. But, I can say this, the cobalt-copper portion of the formulation gives the Aqua interface it's cool blue color and the iron provides structural rigidity. The sound prefs button slides to the right because iron is diamagnetic and in the presence of an electromagnetic field will be either pushed or pulled depending on the polarity of the field.


Dude, if your button slides to either side "randomly", you have some serious magnetic flux going on in your vicinity. Do you experience halucinations? Are you irritable some of the time? These are classic symptoms of gamma ray and tachyon emissions and that little button sliding around your screen could very well SAVE YOUR LIFE! You have to eliminate the source of the problem or wrap a wet towel around your head, then cover it with tin foil.
Recently I installed a HP Scanjet scanner to my iMac. It caused the system to gradually slow down until a restart. It also seemed to cause the sound balance to move left. I called Apple and HP and was told that it was the HP drivers that were causing the problem, so I disconnected the scanner except when I want to scan something. Both problems dissappeared. That may not be your troubles, but I thought it might help to mention it. Now if HP will release some updated drivers...:)