Why is OSX so hopeless?

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EdFx said:
Ok, I admit it was Monday morning and for the nth time my New Dual processor G5 was doing something unexpected again. But I still have to ask, a few of the most annoying problems are as follows:

Half the time I save a file to the desktop it doesn't appear, often for hours. When I then try to save the file again OSX tells me 'a file with that name already exists' but as I can't see (it's not there) it I can't do anything with it. This happens intermittently when I save to a regular folder too, though seemingly less often. If I reboot the files appear. I've looked everywhere for a fix for this but can't find one.

File modification dates are often totally wrong. OSX only seems to update its file records when prompted, and sometimes not even then. This is a very basic operation for most computers.

The 'fix permission' utility doesn't work on any of my localhost files and requires repeated visits to the Terminal to set permissions correctly. Why on earth should any computer need a 'fix permissions utility' anyway? Is it because the permissions on a Mac keep getting corrupted?

Setting up PHP (to work properly) requires masses of Terminal time, this despite being bundled with the OS!?

I currently own a Celeron processor laptop PC whose performance is about equal to that of this G5. I can only assume this is because the Mac spends most of its time thinking about its own corrupt file system or making things look pretty, both a waste of time.

So, application performance is relatively poor on the G5 considering the hardware at its disposal, and basic file OS operations are riddled with bugs (just google 'Finder bugs'). What's the point of this machine exactly?

he either got a bad machine(someone sleeping at the button on the assembly line), or is just an ignorant person that dosent get it?

end of story!::ha::

PS: read my sig.
I had two X machines die with the exact same error last week 'missing or corrupt config/system' An error that means a reinstall!

I've had my powerbook for 1.5 years and have not had any problems, at least major problems. It's just the bugs you gotta put up with.

If Apple totally overhaul the finder for 10.5 I'll be a very happy bunny.
I have been a Mac guy for about 2 years now. I have loved both my laptop and my G5, I dunno about the Finder, I have not really ever had any problems with things getting deleted, gone missing, or anything of that sort.

This permissions thing is a bit weird too, I have never had to fix permissions. I have only opened Terminal a handful of times. I am not a pro with Apple's but I know enough to run it, do everything I need too with it, and not kill myself.
Have you tried re-installing the OS? If so, and you are still having problems, call Apple and have them take a gander.

If you are having this many problems, I suspect three things....
1) You have a machine issue due to faulty install of the OS, or
2) You did something to muck it up, or
3) You have something happening on the hardware level

Bottom line is.... if you don't like the machine, return it if you can or sell it. If you are happier with windows, then why fight it.
Okay. I've thought about this quite a long time, but I'm now closing the thread for the following reasons...

1.) Nothing good comes out of it, anyway.
What I mean by that is: The thread seems to provoke trolling. Either EdFx is a troll himself, or he doesn't know about it and is so p**d off that he can't word his posts more nicely. Either way: Older users have started to flame him, and I don't think that's appropriate either.

2.) EdFx is stating _various_ problems. Each of the subjects already has enough threads on the forum and _should_ be handled separately, anyway. So for those who want to discuss their opinions on what Apple should do about the Finder (10.5 to the rescue?) or the permissions thing, I suggest the opinions forum. Should you, EdFx, still want our community's support: Look for threads in the Mac OS X System & Software forum about each subject. If you truly can't find a fitting one, create a thread about _one_ problem and the community will, with your helpful information on setup and what you've tried, solve your problem. Same for the other problems.

If you're only here to create a flamewar, then you're in the wrong place. I suggest you read the board rules, should that be the case.

Good luck & good night. :P
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