Why using MAC OS 9???


For all of you OS X users still using OS 9:

OS 9 R E A L L Y S U C K S ! ! !

4 Reasons for that statement:

1. Cooperative Multitasking: This is ridiculious ... Yes it is! This stone-age-technology was abolished by Microsoft with the introduction of Win95 (apart from some parts that remained 16 bit)...
And I also wonder whether apple was able to implement "Multi-Threading" sucessfully ... When working with some applications I often notice delays when performing such primitive tasks like openng file dialogs ...
BTW my mac is a G4 400, with 192 RAM and that should be just fine for OS 9.

2. File system: HFS is shit ... only 32 characters and really slow

3. Instability: That is mainly because of cooperative multitasking, the source of all evil. Ever tried ("Option-Alt-Escape") ... then you know what I mean.

4. my MAC OS 9 is not mountable any more when it crashed last time I used it.

I would be interested to know if MAC 9 has protected memory areas for the apps running on it ... but I guess not ...

Conclusion: This system is not worth running it on a superior machine like the Power PC. It is just inferior, sorry! I thought that a OS couln't be worse than Windows, but since use MAC OS 9, I know that it can.


os 9 uses HFS+ filesystem, same as osx.

Verres, you sound like somebody who converted to macs recently and just don't know your way around os 9 yet. for someof long time users, we still run it for various reasons - most importantly being diagnostics and repairs. but you don't seem to have heard of repairing your problems if you are stuck with os 9 not being able to boot.;)
Hey Verres. Bleib mal ganz locker. OS 9 ist im vergleich zu X natürlich scheiße. Aber es war ne ganze Zeit das Beste überhaupt. :eek:

Reiß dich n bischen zusammen, ja? die Leute hier sehen es nicht gerne wenn du Wörter wie sucks oder sonstwas benutzt und in so nem Ton redest/schreibst. :eek: Sonst bist du hier schneller wieder raus als du gucken kannst!(Spreche aus eigener Erfahrung) Just a FYI! :)
Hallo Alexandert,

es ist nur so, dass dieses Betriebsystem wahrscheinlich meine Partition ruiniert hat. Ich wollte nur meinen Unmut darüber zum Ausdruck bringen.

Ehrlich gesagt kann ich mir nicht vorstellen, wie man dieses Betriebsystem professionell einsetzen kann. Als Entwicklungsumgebung taugt es meiner Ansicht nach aufgrund seiner Instabilität überhaupt nicht. Ich mein, es ist doch ein Witz wenn ich mehrere Male am Tag einen Reset machen muss, bloss weil OS 9 nicht in der Lage ist, abgestürzte Programme aus dem Speicher zu schmeissen.
Also in puncto usability kann man es wirklich vergessen.

Oder wie bekommst du es hin, das es einigermassen stabil läuft?


Ersteinmal muss ich sagen, dass ich deine Ansichten teile! Ich habe OS 9 seit erscheinen von Mac OS X 10.0 nicht mehr auf meiner Platte. Seitdem arbeite ich mit dem System. Und mittlerweile muss ich sagen, dass ich OS 9 hasse! Es ist nur so, dass Mac OS 9 schon kein schlechtes System war. Ich hatte auch sehr oft große probleme mit 9. Aber es ist wie dieser Spruch:

Fresst scheiße, Millionen Fliegen können sich nicht irren!

Mann konnte schon ab und an mit 9 Arbeiten. Und das haben Millionen Menschen auch gern gemacht. Ohne das alte System wäre der Mac nie zu dem geworden, was er heute ist! :O Aber ist ja auch egal. Einigen wir uns drauf, dass OS 9 im Gegensatz zu X


Woher kommst du?:confused: :confused: :confused:
Verres: If you don't like Mac OS 9, - don't use it. But Mac OS 9 does not suck! It's fast, smooth and looks good (among some of its great feautres). :) But it's different than OS X, and that was the point too. Working with the Classic Mac OS just isn't the same as working with OS X.

1: Let me coute Apple: "The Multitasking/Multiprocessing Library allows applications to perform preemptive multiprocessing operations on PowerPC computers equipped with one or more processors." (Taken from this article about Mac OS 9.)
This preemptive multiprocessing is not, as you point out, the same (cooperative) mulitasking as Win95 had. But ridiculious? No. Thousands of people has used Apple's Classic Mac OS' for years. (Myself included.) And most of the time it has worked perfectly well. Classic's time is past, I can agree with that, but Mac OS 9 was (is) great.

2: Not true..

3: Stability.. Well.. Perhaps not always on top, but under no circumstances worse than Windows! It doesn't matter how good the mulitasking is in theory, when it just doesn't work in practice.

4: Ed Spruiell is right, you obviously haven't been a Mac-user for a long time.

Originally posted by Kris
3: Stability.. Well.. Perhaps not always on top, but under no circumstances worse than Windows! It doesn't matter how good the mulitasking is in theory, when it just doesn't work in practice.

Hell yeah it's worse than Windows! Or do you mean the Win9x line? Even that I think is more stable. Compared to the NT line, OS 9 is a complete piece of crap. IMO of course. ;-)
Beautiful reference. I thought someone should compliment you (no offense to those of you reading this thread who didn't).
Originally posted by hazmat
Hell yeah it's worse than Windows! Or do you mean the Win9x line? Even that I think is more stable. Compared to the NT line, OS 9 is a complete piece of crap. IMO of course. ;-)

Compared to NT? I use NT regulary (unfortunately), and it crashes all the time! Microsoft's products has a habit of crashing. And then is doesn't matter how good the mulitasking, or program, is supposed to be when it just doesn't work!

Originally posted by Kris

Compared to NT? I use NT regulary (unfortunately), and it crashes all the time! Microsoft's products has a habit of crashing. And then is doesn't matter how good the mulitasking, or program, is supposed to be when it just doesn't work!


totally right and LOL! :p :p :p :D :D :D
My OS 9 iMac only crashes when I run microsoft applications on it, and when the microsoft extensions are installed.

Forresten, skal jeg begynne å snakke norsk, her, eller, eh? ;)
Originally posted by jollewhoever
Goddag granne!!!

Her er lit pŒ norsk: Kempeflott bestefar, vi elsker oljefartyg...


I'm impressed. But it's "litt", "kjempeflott" and "oljefartøy" ;)
Originally posted by Kris

Compared to NT? I use NT regulary (unfortunately), and it crashes all the time! Microsoft's products has a habit of crashing. And then is doesn't matter how good the mulitasking, or program, is supposed to be when it just doesn't work!

If you have NT crashing all the time, then you have a serious problem. At my last job, I ran NT on my desktop for the 1.5 years I was there, and I think it BSOD'd once in that time. I remember it too, and was laughing, thinking what a novelty it was. On my PC, I ran NT on the current 2k partition until I needed 1394 support. Neither my work nor home machines I ever shut down, either. Never any problems at all.
Originally posted by benpoole
... I'm running OS 8.6!
8.6 rocks! :)

Back to the topic.
hazmat; I agree with you; if NT crashes all the time, there is a serious problem. (Just glad it isn't my problem... :)) And this goes fro OS 9 too. All systems can, and will at some point, crash, it's just a matter of time.
Bottom line: use the systems you like, don't use the systems you can't stand...
