For all of you OS X users still using OS 9:
OS 9 R E A L L Y S U C K S ! ! !
4 Reasons for that statement:
1. Cooperative Multitasking: This is ridiculious ... Yes it is! This stone-age-technology was abolished by Microsoft with the introduction of Win95 (apart from some parts that remained 16 bit)...
And I also wonder whether apple was able to implement "Multi-Threading" sucessfully ... When working with some applications I often notice delays when performing such primitive tasks like openng file dialogs ...
BTW my mac is a G4 400, with 192 RAM and that should be just fine for OS 9.
2. File system: HFS is shit ... only 32 characters and really slow
3. Instability: That is mainly because of cooperative multitasking, the source of all evil. Ever tried ("Option-Alt-Escape") ... then you know what I mean.
4. my MAC OS 9 is not mountable any more when it crashed last time I used it.
I would be interested to know if MAC 9 has protected memory areas for the apps running on it ... but I guess not ...
Conclusion: This system is not worth running it on a superior machine like the Power PC. It is just inferior, sorry! I thought that a OS couln't be worse than Windows, but since use MAC OS 9, I know that it can.
OS 9 R E A L L Y S U C K S ! ! !
4 Reasons for that statement:
1. Cooperative Multitasking: This is ridiculious ... Yes it is! This stone-age-technology was abolished by Microsoft with the introduction of Win95 (apart from some parts that remained 16 bit)...
And I also wonder whether apple was able to implement "Multi-Threading" sucessfully ... When working with some applications I often notice delays when performing such primitive tasks like openng file dialogs ...
BTW my mac is a G4 400, with 192 RAM and that should be just fine for OS 9.
2. File system: HFS is shit ... only 32 characters and really slow
3. Instability: That is mainly because of cooperative multitasking, the source of all evil. Ever tried ("Option-Alt-Escape") ... then you know what I mean.
4. my MAC OS 9 is not mountable any more when it crashed last time I used it.
I would be interested to know if MAC 9 has protected memory areas for the apps running on it ... but I guess not ...
Conclusion: This system is not worth running it on a superior machine like the Power PC. It is just inferior, sorry! I thought that a OS couln't be worse than Windows, but since use MAC OS 9, I know that it can.