Wierd and shocking problem! Please help


Hey guys! i have been using mac since last year and i got my own i mac last summer.

Im having this little wierd problem that is making me crazy.
When i go to System Preferences it works great but if i adjust the 'DOUBLE CLICK' option then there is a problem appears.

When i restart my mac then it doesnt remember my last settings just for 'Double Click' time. But all of the other options works great! Lol i dont know what to do i made a great search on internet but i couldnt find anything to fix this stupid problem.
Does anyone has the same problem?

I have tried PRRAM reseting, removing caches and preferences.. I also udes the application called 'onyx' but none of them helped.

Please feel free to write me if you think you have an idea.
Thank you so much!
I just restarted the mac on safe mode and it worked, but when i turned in to normal mode it doesnt remember my settings :/

any suggestions?
In the affected account quit System Preferences. Then go to the folder /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and find the file com.apple.systempreferences.plist and delete it. Launch sytem preferences then immediately quit it once again.

Then download either Yasu or Onyx and run all the cleaning/maintenance routines. Let the program restart you Mac but once it does, immediately manually restart to rebuild you startup/shutdown cache.

Lastly run the System Preferences problem again after the manual restart to see if this fixes it.
Thank you so much for your reply but sadly it didnt work :(
it just remember my last double click adjustment on safe mode. didnt get why but i think maybe some 3rd application causes this problem? im not sure. that sucks.
i have asked a guy who work in apple store he suggested to formating my mac. lol so funny