will 10.4 run fine on old laptop?


I plan to get a apple laptop where I will be chatting, doing office work and watching dvds and videos and listening to music. I am guessing a 500mhz laptop will be fine for this. But will 10.4 run ok on this? I saw on apple site it said it will but will it be lagging?
It won't fly, but it'll be usable. I run Tiger on an old 500MHz Yikes! machine, and it runs decently well.

Be sure to throw a TON of RAM in that machine -- 512 minimum, I would suggest 1GB though...
I agree with ElDiablo about the RAM. Also, if the laptop can handle just about any OSX package (including Panther), then it can handle Tiger. Some of the effects like Dashboard zooming in and out will be a little laggy, but overall it will be quick and useable. I have a friend that has a 400MHZ PowerBook w/ 256 RAM and Tiger runs fine. In fact, he says it's much much faster than Panther.
Running 10.4.1 on a Dual USB Ibook 500mhz with 640 Ram, It runs fine, great for surfin and the casual apps.... I wouldn't go encoding avi files or anything :)
I've seen 10.4 running on both a 400 MHz and 500 MHz PowerBook G3 Pismo and it seemed fine to me.
For the tasks you're doing, it doesn't seem to me that you would get much out of Tiger... I'd stay with Panther for now on a 500 MHz G3 'book.
In relation to another post that is active at the moment - Why Do you feel that you need tiger on this laptop?
When members here say it will work on your laptop that is exactly what they mean. It is not going to be pleasant to use. Panther does all that tiger does in the uses that you require and it will be far more useable. This seams to be a case of people upgrading to more demanding software because they _Can_ and not cause they need to.

In my opinion try and get a hold of panther.
fryke said:
For the tasks you're doing, it doesn't seem to me that you would get much out of Tiger... I'd stay with Panther for now on a 500 MHz G3 'book.

Actually, I've talked to a guy in almost the exact same situation that says Tiger performs a whole lot better than Panther did once he upgraded. This is just one person though, so I can't really back it up to say it'll work for everyone.