Win-rar in MAC..!!!


I have downloaded recently a file which contain an archives of files which has the extinon .r01 etc

i downloaded win-rar for mac... unfortunatly its a command line file...
can anyone help me step by step how to use extract those file...

here is the site where i downloaded winRAR from..

Still new to MAC i don't want to mess up things

thank in advance
I've found that every un-rar utility on the Mac is rather slow - but not StuffIt especially. StuffIt simply doesn't really show you where in the process of unraring it really is, if it's a segmented RAR file.
'can anyone help me step by step how to use extract those file...' -
01. Launch 'Terminal' ('/Applications/Utilities/' folder).
02. Enter ...

open /usr/sbin/

... and press the <return> key.

03. Double click on 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar.gz', then 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar', and finally the 'rar' folder.
04. Drag 'rar' and 'unrar', from the 'rar' folder onto the opened 'sbin' folder. You will have to authenticate (provide administrator name and password).
05. Click on the 'Terminal' window and enter ...

rar help

... (or 'rar -?') <return>, for 'rar' format.

Create a, 'Terminal', 'New Shell' ('Command N') ...

unrar help

... (or 'unrar -?') <return>, for 'unrar' format.
06. Trash the 'rar' folder and 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar' file.
I've found that every un-rar utility on the Mac is rather slow - but not StuffIt especially. StuffIt simply doesn't really show you where in the process of unraring it really is, if it's a segmented RAR file.

yes exactly i cant find it anywhere... i will try that unrarx they mention it .. and i will give you feedback .. hope it works
'can anyone help me step by step how to use extract those file...' -
01. Launch 'Terminal' ('/Applications/Utilities/' folder).
02. Enter ...

open /usr/sbin/

... and press the <return> key.

03. Double click on 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar.gz', then 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar', and finally the 'rar' folder.
04. Drag 'rar' and 'unrar', from the 'rar' folder onto the opened 'sbin' folder. You will have to authenticate (provide administrator name and password).
05. Click on the 'Terminal' window and enter ...

rar help

... (or 'rar -?') <return>, for 'rar' format.

Create a, 'Terminal', 'New Shell' ('Command N') ...

unrar help

... (or 'unrar -?') <return>, for 'unrar' format.

wow... thanx alote.. i will try it and tell you .. right away.. give me sec
'can anyone help me step by step how to use extract those file...' -
01. Launch 'Terminal' ('/Applications/Utilities/' folder).
02. Enter ...

open /usr/sbin/

... and press the <return> key.

03. Double click on 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar.gz', then 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar', and finally the 'rar' folder.
04. Drag 'rar' and 'unrar', from the 'rar' folder onto the opened 'sbin' folder. You will have to authenticate (provide administrator name and password).
05. Click on the 'Terminal' window and enter ...

rar help

... (or 'rar -?') <return>, for 'rar' format.

Create a, 'Terminal', 'New Shell' ('Command N') ...

unrar help

... (or 'unrar -?') <return>, for 'unrar' format.
06. Trash the 'rar' folder and 'rarosx-3.6.0.tar' file.

okak i did all the procedures? and then what?
shall i type only in the terminal

unrar e?
i tried? it didn't work?

this has been mentioned?
Usage: unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
<@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>

Have you tried using unRarX instead? It's certainly a simpler solution.

i tired it... it seems to me work fine like opening and extracting... but where the hell is the file...
it gave me a temprary folder with the extention of .nrg
then it desapper????
