Windows Media Player Installer works in 10.1.5!


U.S.D.A. Prime
Remember the problem of the Windows Media Player installer quitting under 10.1.4 and users not being able to install it? Well, it seems that 10.1.5 fixed this behavior... I was able to install WMP without incident this morning, and it once again works...

...and let the flaming begin on me for using yet another Microsoft product. I know I'm gonna get all sorts of flak for it!
It's forbidden by policy to flame against platforms. And I'd say Windows Media is a platform just like QuickTime, Real Media or any other. So I can't really flame you for it.

Choice is good, and in more than one incident I was happy that I had WMP installed, too, as the sites who don't deliver QT streams, most of the time offer Real & WM streams, so there's still a possibility for us to watch them.