Windows media


I am getting really frusterated. As much as I hate to admit it I nead windows media player! But it wont install! I get this error.

I am using 10.1.4 all the internet plug-ins folders are there?? Does anyone have an older version of Windows media player? Classic doesnt work for me because it doesnt support inbrowser playing. Help
Were you an "early adopter" of OSX? Did you have the beta?
The reason I ask is because I had the self same problem.
I know that you already have the Internet Plug-ins folder in existance as I did. MS support were unable to remedy this for me either.

The way I was forced to solve the problem was to take another disk do a clean install of Mac OSX and then install Windows Media Player. I then copied the installed components into my "normal" OSX setup and it works happily.

Still can't get the bugger to install normally tho.

Hope this helps you a little!
Originally posted by deanmcg
Were you an "early adopter" of OSX? Did you have the beta?
The reason I ask is because I had the self same problem.
I know that you already have the Internet Plug-ins folder in existance as I did. MS support were unable to remedy this for me either.

The way I was forced to solve the problem was to take another disk do a clean install of Mac OSX and then install Windows Media Player. I then copied the installed components into my "normal" OSX setup and it works happily.

Still can't get the bugger to install normally tho.

Hope this helps you a little!
I have been with OSX since its beta days, but this is my first time with WMP. That sounds like a PITA workaround but that is actually what I was considering to do.
I am of the belief that those of us who had very early OSX installed may have had something left "behind" to cause this weirdness.

I have something equally irritating occuring. Whilst I am able to connect using the chooser in Classic to my server's shared volumes it will not connect using command-k and afp etc... Thou all new install OSX macs connect no problem.

Aaah the joy of being an early adopter!
Once 10.0 came out I reformated and installed X. I copied a few preferences from my old system folder and had that same problem. It's something in an X pref somewhere. once I took out the prefs that I added back in WMP installed fine.

Now when I try to run it, it just automaticaly dies on me. I get the bounce in the dock and then the Unexpectantly quit message. I've given up on it.
I am having the same problem and i didn´t have the beta of X but i had i working a time and now it isn´t working :confused: ig ot the same problem with that dialog box :( ...anyway theres must be a way of fixing this problem !!
Dear All,

It seems thatwe are not the only ones having trouble installed Windows Media Player (WMP). I myself am having the same trouble. Internet PlugIns folder is there. If you goto the Apple Forum, there are quite a few people as well, and no-one knows how to solve it. One guy rang up Microsoft and they couldn't sort it. It seems that the problem is that the installer will not work if you have MacOS 10.1.4. I deduce this from the peoples threads. I myself am on 10.1.4 and I am having trouble.

Bloody Microsoft...

Enough said
Well they say "misery loves company" though I take little solace from hearing, as I suspected, others have the same problem.

It is not unique to 10.1.4 as I have had the problem since 10.1 and Office 10 became available.
same problem with windows media player over here , iam thinking that maybe i should hurry up and get that boxed version of os x soon :( or can this be from the 10.1.4 update, now that i think of it i did have it installed right after i updated to os 10.1 then i updated to 10.1.3 then 10.1.4 but i was recently experiencing some woes thanks to yellow dog linux , and i had to do a system restore and ran into a mess (hardrive wasnt booting for some reason ) and i updated to 10.1.4 before installing wmp and i cant install it now , so yes it must be th e 10.1.4 update thats wreacking havoc somewhere
Who is a programmer? I would think it would be something simple and you would just need to point it in the right direction. But what do u use to open the installer?
The Internet Plug-Ins folder in questions should be at filepath /Library/Internet Plug-Ins. As far as I know, all web browser plugins reside here, all browsers look there for plugins, but not all browsers can recognize all plugins. If you create that folder manually, the installation process should go off without a hitch. My Windows Media Player plugin, however, doesn't work in any browser; the best it can do is set up the player window in IE 5.1.4. It never initiates a stream, tho'; I hace contacted the MBU regarding this but (surprise, surprise) have yet to hear back from them.
This is wierd... I logged in under a new user, double clicked and it opened up flawlessly. Now that I switch back to my main user it works great there too. :confused:
Originally posted by chenly
The Internet Plug-Ins folder in questions should be at filepath /Library/Internet Plug-Ins. As far as I know, all web browser plugins reside here, all browsers look there for plugins, but not all browsers can recognize all plugins. If you create that folder manually, the installation process should go off without a hitch.
that Directory/Folder already exists on my system and windows media player still wont install , i think microsoft should get their installers straight because the wmp installer for wmp for os 9 froze on me while i was in 9.2.2
I used to have WMP installed -- I installed it way back in OS X 10.1.2 (or possibly 10.1.3)... and I recently reformatted and reloaded my whole system. I never got that error before and now I'm getting it.

I can live without WMP, but this problem stumps me! I'm thinking it's an issue with 10.1.4.
Originally posted by chenly
The Internet Plug-Ins folder in questions should be at filepath /Library/Internet Plug-Ins. As far as I know, all web browser plugins reside here, all browsers look there for plugins, but not all browsers can recognize all plugins. If you create that folder manually, the installation process should go off without a hitch.

Just to clarify, this folder is NOT the problem as it already is on my machine but WMP still will not install.
If you download the whole software unzipped or unpacked you don´t have to install ...i noticed that i had the internet plugin for WMP...You maby can downlod WMP from LimeWire?
As I had said earlier I had to install it on a clean install of OSX, install WMP to that and then copy the components to my "regular" OSX installation.

It works fine but it does seem to be a lot of effort to go to simply so I can listen to my local radio station in Fairfield, CT USA!!

(I live in London at the mo, English you know but getting married and moving to Westport, CT. Going to try out being unemployed for a while)
"I've created a new installer that fixes the deficiencies of MS's installer"

There are many of them too!

Thanks for your work Hugh.
Hmmm... slightly off the installer topic, I had no problems installing and using WiMP. I had no problems trashing it either.

Trashing it after three days of the Mac slowing from warp to impulse:D in everything, that is - finder operations, file opening and saving in apps, web surfing, even boot-up. All back up to speed after dumping it and logging out/in. Exactly the same problem ocurred when I was OS9 only, too.

I thought it was a M$ peeve; "reach out and touch..." there's a song in there somewhere. Time to go to the pub.

Just my twopence worth!

Cheers, Lazzo