Aych, seriously apple is a really good platform. If this post is about making a decision or your looking for a reason to purchase a mac in future, you seem like a creative person by being interested in making music, etc. Have you really had a play around with one yet? have you seen or used GarageBand? Thats only the beginning...
See this:
i hope this helps you.
kainjow said:
why would Apple ever support running Windows software on their hardware? That's like Palm going out of their way to make PocketPC programs work on their PDA's....
I believe that if this was to be done that it would give the consumer more of a reason to purchase a mac (hardware). The consumer would have the ability to freely run applications on one computer seemlessly without hassle. This issue has been one of the biggest arguments and major factors why consumers don't or wont purchase a mac in the first place (lack of software). However if that was taken out of the equation, then there would be more reason to purchase and no real reason not to.
In effect a windows platform machine has more choice, more games, more software, Apple has far better graphics apps, music editing/creating software and personal digital lifestyle products such as iMovie, iDVD, GarageBand, etc and is the choice for the creative and people that want the "cool" factor in a computer. but untill the above has been successfully accomplished that real juicy market wont or may not buy.
i understand your point with Palm & Pocket PC but that is an entirely different market and ball game in comparison to the cross compatability of applications/services between two computer desktop/laptop operating systems.
Acctually when you think about it, really, the iPod is doing it. And doing it very well.