windows XP in virtual pc does NOT connect to internet



i've installed virtual PC with windows xp in order to be able to test web sites with internet explorer. but i can't get the windows ie to connect to the internet.

i have a netgear wireless router that has filtering enabled, so i checked the MAC address of my windows machine and entered it in the netgear router, but that hasn't helped either. come to think, that shouldn't matter anyway, since i have chosen SHARED NETWORKING in the VPC windows settings, which should mean that the vpc will simply use the mac IP etc... i.e. no other settings ought to be changed.

what else could be causing this?

many thanks in advance,
Did you set up the Internet Control Panel in VPC? It does need to know the kind of connection, etc before it can connect.
if you need to use windows a lot do yourself a favor and buy a cheap used pc. my dad has a P3 450 with 384MB/10GB he picked up for about the same cost as VPC but with much much better performance. for your needs it would have all the speed you need and then some. it runs xp well enough.
Cheryl, you are incorrect in your assumption with shared internet. You can absolutely have both Mac-internet and VPC internet on at the same time (i am doing it right now.)

To the original poster:

If you have Shared Networking on, and your Mac can connect, then yes, you are right it should work. You could try setting your PC's internet to "Virtual Switch" and then playing around with the Virtual Switch settings in Virtual PC --> Preferences --> Virtual Switch to see if you can get it working.

Have you tried disabling (temporarily) the mac address restrictions by your wireless router?
MAC restrictions have nothing to do with it, either. I guess it's quite simply Windows XP not being configured in the right way. Setting VPC to share the connection does NOT change any settings in the system you're running on it. You'd have to choose LAN in Windows XP as your preferred connection, to automatically get IP address etc. and to NOT automatically check for proxy settings etc. Yep, the fun of disorganised network settings in Windows...
I have had the same problem since I switched to a wireless network (AirPort). XP on VPC6 will work with the wired ethernet port on the powerbook but refuses to work with the Airport card. I know Windows and have never got it to work regardless of the network settings on XP. Win98 is fine though on the same machine. I assume VPC/XP cannot see/detect/use my Airport card as a NIC although it is supposed to work according to VPC documentation. I'd be interested to see if anyone here knows the solution.