Just for the record, all the passport & hailstorm services in xp can be disabled. It's quite easy to do with Norton Internet Security.
XP is by far the best os Microsoft has produced. Anyone who has participated in the beta testing will tell you so (I have). Applications load quicker, it's as easy as osx to configure, and it's rock solid.
"The best operating system Microsoft ever produced."
I think it's equal to System 7.6 now... But I can tell you it has a long way to go to be as Rock Solid as Mac OS X 10.1 is...
It's a pitty for the Windows users...
Why do we hve to convince them their wonrg? Why can't we just leave them alone? If we have the best product, which I believe we do, then they'll be more receptive to agree with us, if we're nice them.
sorry! Its 9x! But that doesnt matter! 1x,2x,3x.....5x,....9x,Me,XP,NT is shity! everithing with a Microfuck symbol on it!
Did you ever look at the chess thread? Take a look at it (the first 3 posts) And now stop talking to those ...................Windows Users! Sorry for this bad, bad word!