hey, looking at those ads is nothing compared to using it! I had to repair a windows XP system a few days back (in my past, I used to be a PC freak....what? I needed the money and I was young!)....SO MANY COLOURS!
Blue and Green! Who would pair blue and green? And if you fire up the start menu (without changing any prefs to disable all this fuck) it takes up HALF the screen on a 1024 res! HALF THE SCREEN OF COLOURFULL HORROR!
In the explorer, there is no way NOT to click those "Search" icons, they are so freaking big....it's like "hey, apple now has 256x256 32 bit icons....let's make ours 512x512"...the look of the system feels like a two days old chewing gum....arg....Microsoft, you are not producing bad OS's, they are alright (ok, WinME is not), Win2K is even good, (of course nothing comes close to MacOS) but what have you done with this? Go visit the guys making the Office v.X, they have a sense for style! The Office v.X Icons are the some of the best I've seen for a long time! But XP is just so baaah...