WD My Book World Edition II connected to Mac Pro Duo OSX10.5 via ethernet cable through wireless router DI 524 (802.11G) LAN ports. Running Time Machine and all works well.
Router previously configured to provide wireless Internet access (via ethernet cable to WAN port) and sharing of printer (worked a treat).
Currently using 3G USB wireless modem to provide Internet access directly to Mac. Network shows two connections, one for 3G modem as ethernet LAN and second for MBW II also as ethernet LAN.
Attempted to replace ethernet cable to router with a wireless connection from built-in Airport Extreme. Lost 3G modem and unable to see My Book World or Sharing in Finder window.
How to configure Network and Sharing to make wireless connection without disrupting the 3G modem connection?
Are any changes to router required to make storage device visible?
Router previously configured to provide wireless Internet access (via ethernet cable to WAN port) and sharing of printer (worked a treat).
Currently using 3G USB wireless modem to provide Internet access directly to Mac. Network shows two connections, one for 3G modem as ethernet LAN and second for MBW II also as ethernet LAN.
Attempted to replace ethernet cable to router with a wireless connection from built-in Airport Extreme. Lost 3G modem and unable to see My Book World or Sharing in Finder window.
How to configure Network and Sharing to make wireless connection without disrupting the 3G modem connection?
Are any changes to router required to make storage device visible?