Wireless Internet for a G4


Greetings all,
I am a PC user turned Mac-Man. I recently purchased my first Mac. Being that I know nothing about Macs all I know is that it is a used 400 MHz Power PC G4 running OS 9.2.2. I was using a PC/Laptop to connect wirelessly to my network at home and was told that I could also connect my Mac this way. Ihave been told to purchase different types of cards for my machine. The tech support with my internet provider said to get an Airport Express/Extreme card, while the folks at the Apple store said to get an older Airport Card which they no longer carry. I am not at all computer savvy and purchase dthe Mac to get in touch with my creative side. Would anyone know which card is the appropriate card and where I can get one? Thanks for any help or suggestions and I look forward to becoming part of the Macosx community.
The only Airport card that is compatible with that system is the original Airport card, not the Airport Extreme card (I think there's a physical incompatibility which prevents using the AE card in a Mac that only takes the original card). The people in the Apple store were correct. Unfortunately, you can only get the original Airport card used or on eBay. However, you can purchase a PCI card from Buffalo Technologies which uses the Broadcom chipset (the same used in the Airport Extreme card) and it will be detected by the latest Airport software.

Here's information on the card:

This would be much cheaper and easier to acquire than an Airport card in my opinion.
Take a look at MacWireless to get some ideas. Also you can run Tiger or Panther on that machine (with at least 512 worth of memory) and you can get those at OWC.