Wireless Network from Cable/Laptop - suddenly gone.


Well I seem to have screwed myself over, can anyone help me un-screw it?

I usually get online at my girlfriend's place by my Airport automatically detecting her wireless network and logging in. Only, I think she was having some issues a week ago and I probably changed something in her system settings. Now her network doesn't show up on my laptop anymore.

I've tried going to all her System Prefs that make sense to me but I'm not sure what I checked on or off. I know the issue is on her end because I still see every other network in the area popping up.

Her puter's pretty old, from like 2001 and it's running OS 10.3.9. She's got a wall-mounted Cable Modem plugged into her laptop via ethernet. She still gets internet, it's just not broadcasting anymore.

Specific things I should check, please?
So she is going from a cable modem directly to her Mac? She should protect herself with a wireless router with at least WPA or WPA2 between the cable modem and the Mac. Look at her settings by looking at her Mac and going to System Preferences(in the Dock)->Network pane and then highlight the active setup in the right hand column. There you will find the router address and you can use that on her Mac by putting that address into a browser window. This way you can look at her settings and see what the wireless portion is doing.
Yes, the cable modem box goes directly to her mac via ethernet cable. Somehow this setup used to broadcast a wireless network called linksys, which no longer shows up in my Airport.

I went to the Network pane several times, even before writing here, nothing that made sense to change got the network back.

I checked the Router number. It shows up under Built-in Ethernet > TCP/IP and is listed as connecting via DHCP. The number is listed third after the IP address and Subnet Mask. Typing this number into Firefox gives an "Unable to connect" message page.
No you want to put the "Router" address, not the subnet mask. This should take you to the access point web interface.
What I meant was there were three addreses listed: the IP, Subnet Mask, and then the Router. I definitely used the Router address.

Now, I have no idea what I did but miraculously her network is back. So...thanks for the assistance!