WMA in iTunes or WMA to MP3


From what i understand there is no way to let iTunes play WMA? Is there a nice free program for converting to MP3? THanks everyone
Easy Way: just add them to the iTunes Library via Add to Library or Import via the iTunes file menu.
I have Flip for Mac installed. Most of my MP3's in iTunes were WMP format.
OSX 10.4.7
From: http://www.apple.com/itunes/hottips/#convertingwma
But very strange i couldnt manage to do so:

Converting WMA Files
In iTunes for Windows, you can convert your unprotected WMA files to AAC files (or whatever file format is chosen in the Importing pane of iTunes Preferences) without changing the original WMA file. Simply drag the WMA files into your library in iTunes and iTunes does the grunt work, converting them for you. Windows Media Player 9 or later must be installed to convert unprotected WMA files. Protected WMA files cannot be converted.

Also, Download Flip4Mac free here.

Extra: Add WMA to files iTunes
There a small freeware program called "switch" that can convert WMA's to mp3's as well as other format. Its easy to use and free so I recommend looking it up.
Old thread, but still very useful. I too looked for a converter for mp3
for ages and stumbled across your forum,I tried using switch today on some WMA files and it gave me an error saying that mp3 was not able to open as power pc apps are no longer supported ??
Unfortunately, Switch is not a universal or Intel app, and will not work with Lion or Mountain Lion.

Have you looked at Audacity?