

First, you have to recognize a laptop is not the ideal gaming machine :D
They have all sorts of performance corners cut (less so with apple machines but still there) to cut heat buildup / generate longer battery lives, etc..

Second, an 8 MB rage card?? Theres your problems Rage cards sucked when they came out! Of course the OS is gonna seem a little sluggish look at all the transparencies / anti aliasing and complexity of just the graphics for the everyday OS. Time to upgrade that graphics card.

Now while UT may be fond of loading the RAM up, id software games (quake3, WolfMP) love high throughput and lots of RAM on the graphics card. Another thing WolfMP is a beta!!!! not even optimized yet, it shouldnt be used to judge your 10.1's performance.

Time to invest a late model Dual 533, digital audio... i got one with an nVidia geforce2 MX in it and it works great! get 100+ FPS in q3 (havent tested the new 1.30 point release yet)

Have you tried turning some of the high computational options off and checking your framerates then? (i.e. trilinear, lightmap, high screen rez, etc...)
Originally posted by wyvern
OK 2 things. Make sure your firewall is not blocking port 279** (that is, from 27900 to 27999).
Also, make sure r_smp 0 is set, or wolf will crash alot on MP machines. I had that problem.
Two questions:

1. How do I make sure that my firewall is not blocking port 27900 - 27999, and if it is, how do I fix that?

2. I'm not familiar with r_smp 0. Is that a terminal command or something in a config file?
Originally posted by wyvern
OK 2 things. Make sure your firewall is not blocking port 279** (that is, from 27900 to 27999).
The 279** ports were open, but I found out that Wolfenstein also uses the port 1025, that was the reason I couldn't connect.

Then I could get the list with the servers, but I didn't get into any game.
I tried again later, and then Wolfenstein justed stopped responding, and I had to forcequit. It does that ever since, even after a reinstall, and I really dumped all the preference files and stuff in my Library folder.