ha ha ha
I wonder what schukey (user ID on the other forum) will have in his signature file now that his site is down
This is what the site says:
Well, we've had our fun with you little Mac-addicts. We'll shut down the site because we didn't know you Mac freaks
treated it like a religion. Thanks for all the mail, I guess you guys won... for now... MWUAHAHAHHAHAA... but I'm just
kidding around, you guys actually thought it would work? You guys are pathetic, get a freakin life and forget about
your goddamn obsession with Mac computers.
Heh heh.. I get a kick out of people who invest time and money to buy a domain name and create a web site dedicated to disliking macs.. then say the folks who like macs are "wasting their time".
its not that hard to mass mail annoyomously. So if we wanted to..... sendmail + perl script... oh well, that brings me back to my old dial up days when if you exceeded 2meg mail quota, you had to wait +20mins to download all the mail!