word processor


Anyone use any decent word processor except Microsoft Word/Excel?

The problem I have is with CJK/Thai/Arabic (right to left) /Middle East languages of text working on a Mac. I open up a document (which is in .doc or .xls format) on a Mac, the character and the accent seem different with how it would appear on a window pc. I have try using OpenOffice, NeoOffice, Mellel,...etc but all giving me the same result. No matter how i try, I just can't get the correct text to work on a Mac.
I found the same problem with Hebrew until I found the correct fonts . . . or people created fonts Mac could use. . . .

Do not even ask me about Greek.

Font indeed is a major factor. Is there a "universal" font that can be used on both Mac and PC and suitable for any other foreign language?

The second thing is when viewing Arabic (right to left writing) on Mac, certain part of the Arabic word will shifted itself to the front (or back) like it was written from the left to the right however viewing the same Arabic on a PC is fine.

Any thought?