"WoW performance on iMac Intel Core Duo 20in, 2GHz, 1GB RAM, 256MB VRAM
Resolution 1680x1050
24 bit color 24 bit depth 1xmultisample (no FSAA)
Terrain distance 50%
Environment detail high
Texture detail high
Anisotropic filtering off
Terrain texture high
Box checked:
Level of detail
Enable all shader effects
Vertex animation shaders
Indoor about 50 fps
Outdoor 25-30 fps,
The picture attached is from a scene with the above settlings. It must be seen on the 20" iMac screen!! (file was 560KB Jpeg, too large to post-Mike)
Unchecking the "Enable all shader effects" -box, increases FPS to 40-50 in a normal typical outdoor scene and indoor scenes are up to 80-100 fps.
-GE/Per "