WWDC 2007. thoughts? guesses?

Lt Major Burns

"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
What do we reckon could happen at WWDC, besides Leopard? any surprises? what could happen with the secret 'hidden' features of the next stage in our OS? new computers? new product lines? will they release anything groundbreaking? any speed-bumps? new equipment? will steve do the whole keynote this time?

general thoughts...
MacBook Thin. :) Solid state disk (i.e. flash memory). 10" screen. Horribly expensive, probably. :P
And still the rumour sites all keep continuing about it year after year. Plus: I just want to say I called it here in this thread should it really surface. :)
A modern version of Xcode with a code folding, refactoring, syntax checking as you type (think of red squigly lines in Word when you spell things wrong), function hints with summary as you type. This is 2007, it's about time Xcode started to act like it was the 21st century and not behave like VS 6 which was released 10 years ago.
Yep. Then again, it could still take years of rumouring it. Well, now that the iPhone's here (almost), we at least don't hear much about the Newton anymore, since the iPhone is pretty much what a Newton of today would/should be (minus some 3rd party apps, of course, which might change today).
...the iPhone is pretty much what a Newton of today would/should be (minus some 3rd party apps, of course, which might change today).

I was thinking that too. It would be nice if Apple did a deal with a company like TomTom (or something really amazing with Google maps) for sat nav. That would mean I could be truly one-device, which would be cool.

And 3G for us folks here in Europe.

Wonder if the European carrier for iPhone will be announced? That would be nice too.

I just bought a treo 680 unlocked (without contract) for ~240$ and am getting tomtom navigation for free now. Apparently, there's a great promo going right now. I'll get the iPhone when it's _ready_ for me, 3G and Switzerland. :)
Yes, I've just got HTC Trinity (Orange SPV M700) on a free upgrade to my contract, so when the iPhone is ready to go in the UK I'll be able to sell it, to cover the cost. Hopefully. One thing I really like about the M700 is the built-in GPS chip. That would be a great iPhone 'secret feature'...

okay. 45 minutes 'til the keynote. do we have a chat? or should we create an AIM (iChat) room? who's hosting? :)
okay, i'm in room "mxwwdc" (short for "macosx.com wwdc") on iChat. join me if you want. :)
In a shocking change of events WWE Chairman and owner Vince McMahon becomes Senior Vice President at Apple Inc. Employees quote, "I don't know if we can take two reality distortion fields"
Wonder if the European carrier for iPhone will be announced? That would be nice too.

I guess it would be either Vodafone or T-Mobile, since they are the biggest. But personally I hope for Vodafone, since I have it and don't want to change companies just for a phone.
It's all over now. why didn't you guys join the chat? ;) ... oh well... tons of news on Leopard. well, a little at least. brushed metal gone. unified look. translucent menu bar (eeeek!). new finder. (well... no talk about performance etc. though.) cover flow in finder windows. (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!) many things. iPhone SDK? not necessary. web apps. (eeeeeek.) and yeah: safari 3.0 beta. for 10.4.9 and --- xp and vista. (eeeek.) it was a good show until the end.

btw. i'm writing this in a beautifully resizable form-field in safari 3. :)
btw. i'm writing this in a beautifully resizable form-field in safari 3. :)

Nice feature! I'm surprised by how well it works here, what with all the fancy controls and whatnot. Unfortunately, it does not work so well on other sites. Oh well. I guess there's really only so much Apple can do in this regard.

I've noticed that forms in Safari now take on the site-defined appearance rather than Aqua. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is a matter of opinion, I suppose. Scroll bars, at least, are still always aqua.

Tab reordering is done very nicely. Getting the tabs to turn into windows seems a little quirky, though. For a while I thought it was impossible to drag the last tab of a window off of that window (and into another) because it just wouldn't work. Turns out you can do that (yay!), but it might take a few drags to get it to actually work.

PithHelmet has been made so that it won't try to load itself into versions of Safari it wasn't built for. It's possible it would work perfectly with this version if you just went in and tweaked its plist (which I intend to do if there's not a new version today :)). SafariStand seems to work perfectly.

Edit: No, PithHelmet does not work, period. If you try to force it to load, it'll just crash Safari. So we'll have to wait for an update. Oh well.

I could be crazy, but this version seems a bit faster. That might just be the effects of a reboot, though.
Well, I was SORELY disappointed with the "One More Thing" announcement. I guess for some it's a boon. Not for me. (I run Linux on my PCs so meh on the Safari for Windows....maybe I'll try and WINE it... :p)

I did get excited about all of the features in Leopard. I'm definitely sending the $$ on it once it's out....or maybe I'll just wait for when it's included with the MBP I want to buy. :D

I'm curious about the remodeled Finder and I'm glad to see the Unified look become the standard. Give me a simple yet elegant design. :D