X11 problem


I have been trying to install "the gimp" and "openoffice " on my iBook G4 but keep getting error messages to the effect that X11 cannot be found(with gimp) or related messages.( I have tried to attach the error messages but can't seem to get them to work). I have installed X11 from the OSX disc that came with this machine and also downloaded from apple site and it was apparently installed successfully but still neither of these apps will run.
Can anyone help me. I tried the supplier that I bought from but had no better luck.
It should be in the Applications folder.

If it is not in the Applications folder, then you should look up to search it by Spotlight (top right corner). I prefer to use my keyboard manually: command (apple icon) and F. You will know where to find it easily.

What are these software: gimp and openoffice? Is the gimp for generic printers?
webexplorer said:
It should be in the Applications folder.
The default install location for X11.app is /Applications/Utilities/, not /Applications. The only reason X11.app would be in /Applications is if you manually moved it there, or used a program like Pacifist to extract the X11.app application bundle from the install package and manually put it there.

What are these software: gimp and openoffice? Is the gimp for generic printers?
The GIMP is an image editing program (think PhotoShop). OpenOffice is an office suite (think Microsoft Office). Both are free under the GPL or GNU license (I can't remember), meaning the application and the source code is free.

The "gimp" you're thinking of was the "gimp-print" drivers, which are unrelated to The GIMP image editing program, and are now known as the "gutenprint" drivers.

The GIMP: http://gimp-app.sourceforge.net/

OpenOffice: http://www.openoffice.org/

Gutenprint: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gutenprint/
Also make sure that you installed X11 and not the X11sdk which is only the software development kit and not X11 itself.
I'm trying to install matlab and when doing so it tells me that x11 was not found. I've downloaded x11 from apple because I cant find my installation discs and it tells me that it cannot install because newer software is present... the x11.app is not found anywhere on the volume, i tried installing x11 via the installation discs in the past but i still ran into the same problem. Any help or advice would be great. Is there anywhere I can download a "newer" version of x11 than the one available at apple?

The X11 that is downloadable from Apple is for an older flavor of Mac OS X (Jaguar, I think?). You need your install disks to install the correct version of X11 for your system. A Mac without the install CDs/DVDs is like a car without a spare tire... you're up a creek without it when you need it!
Ok so once I find my cds.. i install x11 (not sdk). From there x11 should be found in the apps/util folder.. and from there matlab should install. do i need to have x11 running to run matlab?
Yep, just install X11 from the CDs/DVDs, install matlab, and then run it -- the manual for matlab should specify how to launch the program, but I'm assuming it's as simple as double-clicking the matlab application -- X11 should launch automatically.
ok cool... thanks! I guess when i "installed" x11 previously it was the sdk suite because x11.app wasnt present then either.
skizkit said:
I'm trying to install matlab and when doing so it tells me that x11 was not found. I've downloaded x11 from apple because I cant find my installation discs and it tells me that it cannot install because newer software is present... the x11.app is not found anywhere on the volume, i tried installing x11 via the installation discs in the past but i still ran into the same problem. Any help or advice would be great. Is there anywhere I can download a "newer" version of x11 than the one available at apple?


This is exactly the problem that i have had trying to get "the Gimp" image editing app. and "Open Office" to run on my machine ( iBook G4 with OSX 10.4.3). I thought I'd installed X11 from my installation disc but no luck, and also tried downloading from Apple when that didn't do the trick. I was informed that it had been successfully installed but still when I tried to run the apps I got the error message that X11 could not be found and indeed I can't find it anywhere.where exactly is X11 to be found on the install discs, as I can only find the sdk file.
I guess that I have given up on these two apps now and bought Photoshop, and found out about a version of Open Office called Neooffice that doesn't need X11, but I would still like to find out why it didn't work in case I want to try something else out.
I am in the same boat with squarepeg... I am looking through my Tiger Install Disk for x11.app but can't find it (only the sdk file).

I am trying to run Inkwell and it is asking for x11... says it isn't installed. I installed the sdk file (I thought)... but how do I find and install the app???
Run the installer (boot from the CD/DVD), then when you're prompted to install, select "Customize" or "Custom" and deselect everything but "X11."
I've already installed EVERYTHING from the dvd install disk (the code tools and web stuff). I was hoping that by installing everything, I'd somehow catch the x11.app along with everything else... but still, I look in applications/utilities and can't find it. I try to run Inkwell again, but nope... it doesn't find it either. What next?
If you follow what ElDiabloConCaca says, you should be able to install just the X11 package. This is how I've done it in the past.
yeah, but since I've already installed the whole ball of wax... isn't it already installed? (Or SHOULDN'T it already be installed?)
Okay, I just went and did as you said. I did a custom install... only installed the checkbox item for x11.

Then, I went into Applications>Utilities. Didn't find it.
Then, started Inkwell program.... again, it couldn't find it either. Next?

Could this have ANYTHING to do with my system being Pentium powered?
Out of curiosity, what kind of Mac do you have? I'm asking since you never told any of us your system specs. Is this even a Mac or are you doing this with one of the OSx86 installs on a regular PC?