xml files on a mac

BBEdit is quite a complicated beast with a lot of functionality, but it's the only program I'm aware of that's able to reflow a document with XML data. Even having used it since Mac OS 8 was all the rage, I still haven't used every option available.

Do download it and try i out. You'll have to experiment with the options to get the best result.
nope doesn't seem to open on word and yep was from windows and i transferred it onto my mac because having problems with windows pc.. jumbled up as in: in text edit it comes out like this: <?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='MessageLog.xsl'?>
<Log FirstSessionID="1"..

?xml-stylesheet means that the file is meant to be processed by the MessageLog.xsl file. Do you have it? If so, try to run it with xsltproc -command (on Terminal.app); like:

[COD]xsltproc MessageLog.xsl the.xml[/CODE]

I bet the result is much more readable.

XSL file is actually a script (itself also XML) that reads XML-file and outputs something else; normally another XML-file, but it could also be HTML-file or even a text file.
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What do you really expect to get as the result ?

If you've only got the XML file from the msn chat you'll not be able to re-create the look from messenger.

Only having the XML file means you'll only be able to re-format the XML file to make it more humanly readable.

In order to fully re-create the look-and-feel from messenger, you'll also need at least
  • an XSLT stylesheet
  • a CSS file
It could be a fun project to do, but then I'ld need access to a msn XML file - not necessarily the one with your private chat - just a complete conversation of some kind.

For re-formatting the XML file to something more humanly readable, you've already gotten the instructions for how to do it in BBEdit.
yep wasn't sure on the options for BBedit of what to press .. ahh so is it too complicated to get it back to how it was originally? don't have another msn chat of that format, thats the only one i had.. could maybe send a bit of that one
It's not too complicated - just very complicated :)

And a part of a chat isn't good enough - I'ld need to have a complete chat to work with for completely technical reasons.

I've attached an example of an XSL to give you an example of what I'ld have to create.


oh thats not good, I'm not good with things too complicated.. guess gonna have to leave it then.thanks anyway :) so if i was on another windows pc would it work or be the same as on here? i have a netbook with windows 7
I'm not that at all well versed with Windows.

But if you can copy the file into the chat log, Messenger might be able to pick it up when started again.

But we've got Messenger and a program called Adium. The same here - if you can put the file into the chat log these programs might be able to pick it up and display it correctly.

I've no experience at all with any of these programs, so you'll have to get further help with these from other people.
nope ... I guess you found the original XML-file somewhere in the filesystem on the WinTel machine. You'll have to find out where the chat log is stored in the filesystem and add it to that folder.

Again - I don't know how or where any of these programs store their chat logs.
Ah, OK ??
Can it be possible to make your post more confusing?

Is there a problem with power on the PC (won't turn on), or can't get to the computer's location (Is it located somewhere else?)
What is a 'yep?' - I think you mean 'yes', but I might be taking that out of context?
someone else said it might be that to, can it easily be fixed? i suffered with blue screen issue too, one day wouldn't turn back on, did last week for a couple of days which was freaky and not again