yaaawwwnn...installing fink

56k??? Where are you? I live in like the middle of the forest in Canada and I have DSL - I figured we'd be the last place in the civilized world to get it.. you on the mountains in the himalayas or somethin?
I installed it :p
I live in boston but have no need for DLS (yet) :p
I am at work most of the time with a T1 and I dont do a lot of downloading home :p

anyway, installed it, how do I use it ? :p

Try typing man fink in the Terminal. Also, in the original download file, there was a README.html and USAGE.html that give the basics. Also, http://fink.sourceforge.net has a FAQ page. To get wget, for example, you would type

fink install wget

then give it your password, let it do it's thing, and you're ready to go. If you want to use it right away, either close the Terminal window and open a new one, or just type rehash (my personal favorite).
I did the fink install yesternight (yaaaawwwn :p)
Did this also install afterstep ?
What is fink good for ? :p
To get an idea of what packages you can install, you can look in your /sw/fink/dists/stable/ folder, or go to http://fink.sourceforge.net/pdb/index.php to find out.

In order to install afterstep, you first need to deal with X11, and that is best dealt with by looking at the http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/x11/index.php page. Once you have X11 and Fink squared away, simply type

fink install afterstep

in the Terminal, and it Afterstep will be downloaded, compiled, and installed. You might want to check out what other window managers for X11 are available with Fink. The *.info files are in your /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo/x11-wm/ folder (or you can just look at the Fink website.)
No, Fink doesn't install X-11 by default. Read that X-11 section to do that. Fink exists to bring Unix applications to OS X, and install them at the choice of the user. So only the things that Fink needs to operate are installed at first.

Fink also has to delicately deal with the fact that it people install X-11 not just through Fink. Since Fink keeps track of the dependencies that packages have (such as, say, X-11), it needs to know that X-11 is there when you install a package requiring it, even if you didn't actually install X-11 through it. Hence, there are different ways to install fink. All the complexities are discussed at the http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/x11/index.php page.
Once I posted my last message I realized my retardedness and I booted in X and I am in the process of downloading the base install (well did a fink install xfree86-base)... 1.5 hours for teh stupid thing lol... I need to do more installs. Thankfully I have 2 chapters of russian grammar to do so I am busy doing that while listening to my polish dance music :p

Dance music lovers, I suggest you listen to "Cztery" (four) by D-Bomb
Was that an hour and a half for just the base download? Dang, you're in for a fun ride. I just did the compile for that today, and that took about three hours. I mean, it's all worth it (typing TeX in nedit for XFree86 is a dream), but...dang...
no no no :p
That was 1.5 hours for the first 20.5 MB :p
I am currently downloading the second part and I am unaware if there are more :p .... 3 hours eh ?? Luckyly I;ve had some Vodka and I still have 1 more chapter of russian grammar to do

Cheers comrade :p

Perhaps Koba and the proletariat are affecting your download speed. 56K Flex for the masses.
Remember to install xfree86-server and (if you want rootless stuff) xfree86-rootless and (again, for rootless) go to xdarwin.org and get the latest XDarwin app and associated files. Me, I just use the Enlightenment windowmanager that comes with xfree86-i_don't_know_if_it's_base_or_server. Is there some good reason to switch to WindowManager or Sawfish or whatever?
I downloaded all relevent files for the base yesternight but as too tired to install them :p

I am installing them now (well have been for the last hour and a half lol :p)

I will be doing rootless and afterstep later on. Perhaps server too ;)
Still have russian HW to do (too tired to have finished it yesternight)
A lab to type...2 mid terms to study for, and... CS homework lol... I'm busy, my macs busy, we are all one busy family lol.

I am in the process of installing xfree86-server, I am dont installing the base.

There is a problem though.
In my sw/..../stable there are no descriptions (.info) for afterstep and xfree86-rootless so I cannot install em :mad:

Is there a way to update the definitions ???

Originally posted by wyvern
Remember to install xfree86-server and (if you want rootless stuff) xfree86-rootless and (again, for rootless) go to xdarwin.org and get the latest XDarwin app and associated files. Me, I just use the Enlightenment windowmanager that comes with xfree86-i_don't_know_if_it's_base_or_server. Is there some good reason to switch to WindowManager or Sawfish or whatever?

This is not quite right. After install xfree86-base, you can do one of the following three possibilities:

1) type fink install xfree86-server to get the stable release

2) type fink install xfree86-rootless to get the rootless version (that is, have XFree86 and MacOS X coexist together...kind of). This also has some OpenGL support. I wish I could do it this way myself, but Fink is adament that it would be installing over some files if it did so. This probably won't happen to you, but it's worth noting.

3) Get the pre-compiled source for XDarwin from http://www.mrcla.com/XonX/ (I wouldn't suggest www.xdarwin.org since they seem to be a little out of date).

Again, all this is discussed at http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/x11/inst-xfree86.php pretty lengthily (it's a good read. I laughed, I cried, I installed XFree86.).

Also, I don't think Fink installs Enlightenment by default. When I installed Fink, I had just TWM. You can of course get it by typing fink install enlightenment.

I personally prefer Sawfish because it works quite with with GNOME. The best bet is to just check out a bunch of window managers (blackbox, enlightenment, fvwm, fvwm2, icewm, oroborus, sawfish, windomaker...). I've noticed that a lot of people seem to feel pretty personal about their own particular window manager, so it really does help to look around.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
In my sw/..../stable there are no descriptions (.info) for afterstep and xfree86-rootless so I cannot install em :mad:

Is there a way to update the definitions ???

What you need to do is copy the files from their corresponding sw/.../unstable directories to the stable version. The unstable directory isn't checked by fink, since many of the things there are, well, unstable (or not tested, or transititory). For example, for my particular version of Fink and my particular installation of it (I use cvs and therefore have different files, and also I did not install in /sw), I would type

sudo cp /Volumes/Icarus/sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/x11-system/xfree86-rootless-* /Volumes/Icarus/sw/fink/dists/stable/main/finkinfo/x11-system/

in order to get the rootless file copied over. You'll need to use sudo or something similar, since the directories are root-owned. Also, make sure to copy over both .info files and .patch files if they are there.

A similar command can be used for enlightenment, which is stored in unstable/main/finkinfo/x11-wm. Hope that helps. :)
I copied the afterstep files.
I am in the process now of "fink fetch-missing"
I have a feelings its gonna take a long time :p

Anyway, I couldnt find the rootless part :p
I have been CLI hopping all day long :p
