Ye Olde Battery issue (1st gen macbook)


Daughter's laptop, well out of warranty, but up until last week the thing had functioned flawlessly. This weekend, the battery goes from holding a fine n dandy sorta charge to none whatsoever. From System Profiler:

Model Information:
Manufacturer: DP
Device name: ASMB016
Pack Lot Code: 0002
PCB Lot Code: 0000
Firmware Version: 102a
Hardware Revision: 0500
Cell Revision: 0102
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh): 0
Fully charged: No
Charging: No
Full charge capacity (mAh): 0
Health Information:
Cycle count: 66
Battery health: Poor
Battery Installed: Yes
Amperage (mA): 0
Voltage (mV): 7115

66 cycles is not a hell of a lot. Doing some searchin' I've found that the firmware was never updated on this battery. Is it pointless to even try a firmware update at this point?

Should I avoid the firmware update just so I can appear more helpless/clueless when I go to the Genius Bar to beg for a replacement battery?

Any advice appreciated.
You might as well do the firmware update and see if that helps because no amount of begging will get you a replacement battery.