Year 2008 in date all the time



Apologies if this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find an answer in this forum.

I have a 13" Macbook White with Macos 10.6.6. Whenever I see a date stamp for a file (any file on my system for that matter) in Finder, the year of the date says '2008', regardless whether the file is created or modified. The day, month and time are OK.

The date is set correctly when I look at the Date & Time settings or when I type in 'date' in a terminal window. When I use an app like MS Office (Word), the date is also set correctly. So, it looks like this problem is related to Finder.

Has anybody seen this before and knows an answer to this problem?

Thx in advance!
Hi MisterMe.

Thx for your response! Find attached the screenshot. As you can see in the date fields ('created', 'modified', 'Last Opened'), the year is 2008, while the other date & time parameters are correct. Hopes this helps.

Thx again!


  • Screen shot 2011-04-03 at 3.53.00 PM.png
    Screen shot 2011-04-03 at 3.53.00 PM.png
    52 KB · Views: 8
Try a couple of things to try to fix it:

1. Reset Your PRAM and/or Reset the SMU.

2. Open System Preferences->Date & Time and in all the tabs make sure your Mac is in it's correct Time Zone, Sync with an Internet Time Server and in the Clock make sure Date options: is what you want it.

3. In Language & Text's "format" tab make sure time is setup to display the way you want it.

4. Replace the Pram battery (Very difficult).

Time internal battery for keeping Time may have crapped out. But by you picture find try to reset the Finder's Preferences by going to the folder /YourHardDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and find the file to the Trash can and then reboot.
Hi MisterMe.

Thx for your response! Find attached the screenshot. As you can see in the date fields ('created', 'modified', 'Last Opened'), the year is 2008, while the other date & time parameters are correct. Hopes this helps.

It appears to me that your Time and Date formats are messed-up. To be specific, there is no separation between "PM" and and the "03" of your date. I suggest that you open the International preferences pane and reset those formats.
Hi MisterMe,

Ok, found what the problem was. Not sure why (got this laptop 2nd hand), but the year '2008' was hardcoded in the settings. The previous owner literally had typed '2008' instead of using the year variable. So, I changed that and it is all good now.

Thx for your help - appreciated!