Yellow static light airport status


Hi. I have a 2007 macbookpro, OS X 10.5. When I go to connect wirelessly to our Internet it says "connection failed." sometimes it says "see administrator". Everyone in my building can connect to the Internet, so I don't think it is the router or anything. I've turned airport on and off, restarted my computer, etc and still nothing.

When I go into system prefs and then network, the bubble/light next to airport is yellow. Initially I thought that I needed to have the computer fixed, but I took it into work one day to see if it would connect to the Internet wirelessly and it did immediately. Right now I'm on my iPad and the Internet is working fine.

I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but I can't find any answers. Also I'm pretty computer illiterate, so any help you can give me will have to be dumbed-down pretty thoroughly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Read the steps in the blog post this blog post to see if the any of the steps help.

Plus when asking wireless questions always list the frequency (a,b,g or n) and security settings (WEP,WPA, WPA2, etc.). It helps out people to help your problem.
Thank you for the response. It requires a WPA password ...

I tried all of those things, but still no luck. I don't know if this helps you at all, but it is not dropping a signal, it just keeps saying connection failed
Open System Preferences->Network pane and in the right of that pane click on the 'Advanced' button. Make sure you are getting an IP address and DNS IP from the router. Does the router even come up asking for a password?