I encoutered the same thing when using the su cmd.

After logging out and then logging in as root in log in, I was able to save the file.
Did you try to log in as root and then edit the file in PropertyListEditor. I've done this on 8 different machines,
1 PB G4 , 1 iBook and 6 G4 466, without any problems.
Help! I dont remember setting root password either durring instalation and I have no idea how to reset it. could anyone help with this,now I'm kinda nervous that I'm gonna have to re-install this thing again.

any help would be appreciated!
If you never activated root do the following.

1) Start NetInfo Manager app (found in /Applications/Utilities/).

2) Choose menu Domain - Security - Authenticate

Write your password

3) Choose menu Domain - Security - Enable root user

Write the password you like for root

Your done

Originally posted by binHex
If you never activated root do the following.

sudo open -e /System/Library/CoreServices/

The password it asks for is your user password, not the (nonexistent) root password. You can carry out all root-level commands this way.
No, after enabling root... you're asked for the password you like for the root account, then the root account will be added to the user list.
Originally posted by VGZ
You must be using post beta builds because the .lproj files do not exist the the pb. Has anyone used this hack in 4k78 or later to verify that it still works?

Looking forward to getting X this Sat. more than Ever,

I'm confused... 4k78 is the gold master for OS X and 4L5 isn't official yet, so don't you mean anything before 4K78?

from what i understand, though, if you are using PB you can do the same thing to the dock with the following code:

defaults write orientation right

or - orientation left

or - orientation top

at least I think that's what i remember from another discussion group...
This hack is great, i love it, BUT...

Does anyone know how to make the orientation and pinning changes permanent?

I did the hack as an admin level user so it stays no matter how I log in, but, regardless of user, you can make oreint and pin changes just for the current session, as soon as you logout and log back the dock reorients to default (bottom center).

Any thoughts?

And, no, using the little freeware applets that are available do not do anything to keeping the settings permanent.
Originally posted by plaidpjs
Originally posted by VGZ
You must be using post beta builds because the .lproj files do not exist the the pb. Has anyone used this hack in 4k78 or later to verify that it still works?

Looking forward to getting X this Sat. more than Ever,

I'm confused... 4k78 is the gold master for OS X and 4L5 isn't official yet, so don't you mean anything before 4K78?

from what i understand, though, if you are using PB you can do the same thing to the dock with the following code:

defaults write orientation right

or - orientation left

or - orientation top

at least I think that's what i remember from another discussion group...

I was running the PB when I posted that. The defaults write orientation right only worked in the post beta builds but was later removed.
Originally posted by plaidpjs
This hack is great, i love it, BUT...

Does anyone know how to make the orientation and pinning changes permanent?

I did the hack as an admin level user so it stays no matter how I log in, but, regardless of user, you can make oreint and pin changes just for the current session, as soon as you logout and log back the dock reorients to default (bottom center).

Any thoughts?

And, no, using the little freeware applets that are available do not do anything to keeping the settings permanent.

It appears to be part of the start-up script that launches the dock and auto-launches it when it is quit. I have been looking for this file.

Does anyone know what the file is that auto-launches the dock?