Yet another goofy trick


Licensed Computer Geek
This one's kind of fun. Make a folder called "test," and make another folder called "test2." Place an alias to "test" inside of "test2," and an alias to "test2" inside of "test." Now go to a column view Finder window, open either folder, and start opening those aliases! You can create an obscene number of columns with this infinite recursion.
I always used to try and trick the Apple menu in OS 9 to do this with folders, but it was too clever for my childish pranks. ;-)
well, I must say, that at least after going into it well over one hundred levels deep, the Finder didn't crash. That has to be good for something... :cool:
Ah, the joys of preemptive multitasking - complete stability! I wonder how the Windows Start menu would hold up to such abuse... I'll have to try that later.

David, please, if this is all you are going to do with 2 G4s, consider donating them to ME :D

At least some people can still have fun with their computers :p ,
Heh heh, yes, you too can discover all this and more with our patented Short Attention Span and Distractability! At least this stuff keeps me from going insane wondering why I can't compile one of about a hundred programs, or trying to change the stupid desktop color.
See if you can make an alias to a folder and put the alias within that folder--make an even tighter and more insane loop.

I wonder if Sherlock is smart enough not to follow links that could cause these infinite-loop problems.

Hmm, that fooled the Finder, but not Sherlock. I'll bet Sherlock doesn't follow links, but I can't confirm that.
Originally posted by davidbrit2
Hmm, that fooled the Finder, but not Sherlock. I'll bet Sherlock doesn't follow links, but I can't confirm that.

I believe it does..

On my PowerBook Duo 2300c with 8.6, it'll search until it comes to an Alias of a server (Another Mac) and if it's not connected but the computer IS hooked up, it'll ask me to provide my name and password to connect to the computer.