yet another iPod & iTMS ripoff...

Although that infernal machine is a blatent stinking knock-off, competition is good for everybody in the long run.
Yes, but there is a difference between competing with a qualitatively equivalent product and cannibalising sales with an inferior rip-off ...
IMHO it is not because the physical objects do or do not look similar, but the simple fact of announcing such a product at this time in combination with an on-line music store that makes it a copy of Apples. If Apple hadn't had such a success with their products, I would doubt that other computer companies would have made such products. Hence the idea can be considered a rip off. Of course you can claim that this is how the market works, but then you simply confirm and agree and just call it by another name. Copying should go hand in hand with improving, and I don't see any improvement (yet) in what Dell has done. The success of a product should be based (mostly/more) on quality instead of on marketing and aggressive pricing.
Jason... You may not see the similarity but others have noticed it. Of course if doesn't look exactly the same otherwise Dull... oops, Dell I meant, would have to face a law suit from Apple.
You should not deny that in the event of the one Apple has often enjoyed, which is innovation and product success, others will of course have the guts to copy and claim innovation. - We all know it and we all seen it with M$.
Dull has launched a "wanna be" iPod and what we are commenting here is just how proud we are of Apple's products.
ok, so every car is a blatent rip off of the model t, the first successful car manufactured in high quantities, all video games are a rip off of mario, the first to really bring success and mainstream home, and all os's are a rip off of microsoft windows because it was the first wide spread success....

(obviously i dont agree with those statements, but with your arguments, that would be true)

IMHO the mp3 player is different enough, ive seen worse "rip offs" the music store? music stores have been around a while, they are coming into popularity now a little because apple has had success but more because thats what the industry is turning to these days, RIAA is having a hard time with the digital age, cd sales are slumping, services like apple's etc are perfect for the time... do you expect no one else to have a music store, especially on the pc side? it would be like expecting there to only be ford's on the road etc... competition is a good thing, im sure dell will price this thing cheaper, it wont have as many options, and it might force apple to imrpove something down the line to match dell in some aspect (or some other company) and so on and so forth... "ripping off" is the way the business world works, it creates competition, it creates innovation, it keeps technology going, otherwise we would be in a rather stagnant business environment, or worse, no business competition, just everything the same and regulated and spoon fed to us as the only solution...

sorry for the rambling ;) (and spelling, im on a pc, no automatic spell check ;))
No, Jason... But quite clearly, Dell is _now_ coming out with this that Apple has shown it can be done successfully. The one thing I can say about Dell's try is: You don't _have_ to buy Dell, do you? ;-) I hope Apple will _REALLY_ start to push into the PC world with iTunes for Windows, the iPod and the iTMS.
<<...and all os's are a rip off of microsoft windows because it was the first wide spread success.... >>

Jason, by this statement you obviously show your limited knowledge of OS world.

You have no idea how many OS's are out there and you'll certainly agree that Windows is one of the worse OS ever made.

If you don't want to believe that Dell's new innovative product isn't that innovative then you have to freedom to do so. Others have the freedom to believe that this is a silly cheap imitation.

Surely Dell will price their new gadget much cheaper than iPod, but again, if it'll be like their desktop pc quality I wouldn't be surprised.

We'll be soon in 2004 and the pc industry still struggles to come up with something impressive, beautiful and that works really.

i know windows isnt the best OS, i never said it was, i said it was the first widespread success, meaning sales and business, im talking about business success... (obviously i dont think windows is the best if im at a mac forum and own 2 macs ;))

basically my point is, that competitors borrow successful ideas, use them within their own methods and create competition, will there be blatent copies? yes. but they wont be exact, and they will have a different spin on things, it creates choice for the consumer, and it keeps large companies in check.
oh and thanks for quoting the part for which i said myself that i dont agree with these statements ;)
Originally posted by fryke
No, Jason... But quite clearly, Dell is _now_ coming out with this that Apple has shown it can be done successfully. The one thing I can say about Dell's try is: You don't _have_ to buy Dell, do you? ;-) I hope Apple will _REALLY_ start to push into the PC world with iTunes for Windows, the iPod and the iTMS.

this is a good thing, competition :)
And also people never forget that not so long ago Dell was selling iPods :p At least back then they had taste! ;)
well iTunes for Windows is still in Alpha stages so expect a beta or something if its coming out in october...
Actually, the Apple II was the first widespread computer, so therefore the DOS it ran was the first widespread OS success. Without the Apple II + Visicalc, the computer market would be much different than it is today. But that's off-topic.

I am going to agree with Jason on this. Sure, the Dull DJ is a blatant rip-off of the sleek, elegant, and successful iPod. But that's what capitalism is all about: coming out with your own product to make money. We need to get off this brand-name loyalty of thinking that Apple is the only way to go, and that all others are inferior simply because they are not Apple, and judge the products based on the products themselves. If the Dull DJ is a crappy player, then it's a crappy player. If it offers more than the iPod for less money, then get one and get a cover for it. But we really need to stop this whole "They're copying Apple! They're copy-y-ying Appl-l-le!!!!" thing, of which, yes, even I am guilty. We did it with BMDC, we do it every time some PC company releases a new, odd-looking computer (or prototype), and we're doing it now. And I think it should end. [/4 a.m. rant]
The thing looks cheap. Now for the PC side of things, other than building it yourself, Dell is right up there with quality IMO (as much as can be expected), but this thing looks janky. I love my iPod.