Your bottom 10 movies


I realize this changes as more and more dreadful movies seem to come out these days, but here's a few (and I haven't seen Gigli) stinkers:

Eck vs Sever (pure dreck), Love Sick (painfully bad, post-Arthur letdown for Dudley Moore), Even Ghosts Can Do It (when you get bored even with Bo Derek nekkid for half the film, something's wrong), Rocky V (should have stopped after Clubber Lang in 3, though Drago wasn't bad in 4), Breaking Up (Salma Hayek and Russell Crowe spend almost two hours... breaking up, then when you think the movie has shifted gears, they have the worst possible break-up and the movie ends. Despite the title, it leads you to believe conquer all, but no... A perfect movie for suicidal people), Blues Brothers 2000 (just wrong, wrong, wrong), Battlefield Earth (couldn't make it through it, even on HBO), Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls (penned by Roger Ebert, it still gets a big thumbs down), Dick Tracy (so many stars, so terrible. Even Madonna outshone the likes of Pacino, Beatty, Hoffman, Patakin), any/all Steven Segal movies (aren't you always afraid he's going to hurt himself when he tries to lift his leg high enough to kick someone in the kneecap?).
1. Junior
2. Barbed Wire
3. Home Alone 3
4. Dennis the Menus
5. Big trouble in little Tokyo
6. Robocob
7. ANY Buffy!
8. Street Fighter
9. G.I Jane
10. Beetle Juice

Bah these are bad movies!
- All the films with a white, 10 y or younger boy saving the world from aliens or something else alone or with a computer. i hated these movies even as a kid

- All movies that have a 40+ old female actor and is done to save her career. A typical stody: family crisis. kids home or out at college, in the end all is fine. The most boring films ever

- Titanic. Do I need to say anything?

- Home alone series

- Disney sports movies
10. Home Alone 3 - horrible attempt at making more money off of a title
9. The Lord of the Rings - seriously, has anyone ever watched this cartoon and liked it?
8. "Honey, I shrunk the kids" - Now, the first movie was kinda OK, but the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. makes it all get on my nerves
7. Those movies with talking kids...just horrible and annoying
6. ANY movie with talking dogs/cats/other animal. Babe may be the exception here, he wasn't all that bad
5. Harry Potter - Now why couldn't he just stay in books?
4. Spot open, please fill with any movie you may encounter with Japanese/Russians/Germans/pretty much any non-english speaking to one another in shabby English as opposed to their native tounge
3. Braveheart - Yeah, you heard crucial flaw which bugs me every time I see the time these things are happening, the kilt has yet to be invented
2. Creepshow - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.........
1. Hercules in New York - this isn't a movie, it's a poor excuse for Arnold Swarzenegger to show his body
I recently saw Daredevil. Hot damn, that was horrible. Where the hell did that chick's kung-fu fighting hobby come from? All of the characters lacked a history of some sort, and therefore, didn't have much in the way of motivation.

Total crap. The only thin I was impressed by were the visual effects when the main character "saw"/heard things, and I saw things through his "eyes"
You guys want bad? Watch any Sifi original movie on the sifi channel. My dad does and I can't stand to stay in the room.
*screthces head* I never watched it myself, the preview made it look like a really really REALLY bad spin off to that Hollywood movie Signs.
Voice: What about the recent submarine movie with Harrison Ford (can't remember the name right now)? That had Russian seamen speaking English with Russian accents. So you "know they're Russian."

The worst movie by far that I have ever seen has got to be Mars Attacks. I shouldn't have to explain.
How can Junior be in the top 10 of worst movies? Is that the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger pregnant? I like that one.. he's hilarious. And I always keep saying that I want to be a parent once THAT is possible (for me to leave a guy pregnant) :p
Cube 2
Any movies on the life time channel :P
Any movie with the Olson twins
Battleship earth

What was wrong with Mars Attacks?? It was a good comedy :D
i dont know if i could list a bottom 10 movies since i only usually see movies that i think i will like, but i didnt like, Austin Powers 3, i loved the other two but this one just felt forced and not as funny as the other ones. I also think that Citizen Kane is overrated, it may not be a bottom 10 movie but i dont see what the big deal is aside from some interesting camera angles for the time
Equilibrium - cheap knockoff of the Matrix
Freddy Got Fingered - didn't it win an award for sucking so much?
Any Disney movie released only on video - SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THE INSANITY.
The Sound of Music - see previous comment.
The Rocky and Bulwinkle movie - They should have stayed in the 70's
The New Scooby Doo movies - see previous comment.
The "I Know What You Did Last Summer" series - 'nuff said.

There are more... I care not to try to think of them... Excuse me while I rinse my brain... :confused:
Well, I was younger when I saw Mars Attacks, but I still think it was a horrible movie. It was all about people getting killed by Martians, and I don't think I ever laughed.

Tree: Kazaa isn't a movie... and Bombay belongs in the bad songs thread.
The Hulk, Dungeons and Dragons, Freaky friday, The Matrix (just kidding lol), Disney's Pixar's Toy Story 2, Aladdin 3, Terminator 1 (only cuz its out of date lol), Jimmy Nuetron, and finally Back to the Future 3. The last one was so boring i fell asleep during it. The other 2 are great, but they ruined it in the 3rd one. too boring. boring.
Hulk smash puny Androo! :mad:


Anyways, one of the worst movies:

Have you ever read the DareDevil Comics? Especially the ones with Electra in? Anyways, the DareDevil movie as with other Marvel Comics based movies changed LOADS of original comics stuff... But still, the worst of all those movies is X-Men 2! Wolverine goes down with just one bullet? Singer should have known better :p

What I liked a lot about DareDevil was the cameo of Kevin Smith and the names of most people inside the movie which are actual names of Marvel Comics creators, artists, writers, etc. Then again I'm somewhat of Comics nerd and not only :o

Ah.... no, never read it. Not a comic fan, just a movie fan. So, strictly from a movie-goer standpoint, it sucked. However, if I read it, I might be entertained by the insertion of those names and stuff. But still... should have been good all on its own.