Your Everyday Sites

Thanks for those guys and gals. Does anyone have any non-Apple related sites they'd like to share?
Mat said:
Thanks for those guys and gals. Does anyone have any non-Apple related sites they'd like to share?
Sure do...

Nothing wakes you up in the morning like some cartoons.

My favorite at the moment is Penny Arcade. For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's about 2 video-game obsessed kids. Pure gold-dust -- go kill an hour reading through their archive now.

After that, I still can't get up without my doses of Dilbert (see my avatar) and Garfield, and if that's not enough, some Foxtrot.

Then for some left-wing political satire, I like Tom Tomorrow's toon, This Modern World

Bernie :o)
I don't think there's a site I hit every day, but I do check out these quite frequently: (the forums) (the forums, heh) (info about preserving forests) (climbing news) (views of the earth from space) (webcams at nat'l parks) (you can get some decent laughs from this)

I don't know, that's really about it. I mean I obviously hit this site but I guess I don't do much venturing into the unknown internet. ;)