Here's a little prank for April Fool's. This would go great in a startup items folder. Plug this into your Script Editor...
Save it as an AppleScript Application.
The result:
Psyche someone out! If anyone is proficiant in AppleScript, add on to it, and share it, by all means Just make sure to mention what it does so that an innocent newbie doesn't plug it in and mess up his computer permanently...
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "The radiation shield in your monitor has failed." & return & ¬
"Please get into the DUCK AND COVER position immediately." buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end tell
The result:
Psyche someone out! If anyone is proficiant in AppleScript, add on to it, and share it, by all means Just make sure to mention what it does so that an innocent newbie doesn't plug it in and mess up his computer permanently...