unfinished portfolio site:
My company has an office there somewhere... but I really don't know my around the city, so I can't say which part of town. (Uh... the flat part... with cactuses... and snow.Originally posted by nkuvu
Tom, I forgot to ask -- Where were you when it was snowing in Tucson?
Actually that comment is probably more of a reflection on my family than my Unix "friends".Originally posted by nkuvu
So are you calling your unix daemons fiends?...
Yeah........ but.....uh..... well.......And no fair editing your post to correct the spelling.You did that to me already in another thread.
Originally posted by ablack6596
mine is http://homepage.mac.com/ablack6596
also this website was not made by me but I was the first member and am a Mod at its forums. http://www.macinlife.com/
Or maybe marriages. Si, senor..."several of my siblings marriges.) Si" the word i'm looking at is mariAges, i think
That is really funny. No offense, vic.a site with no spelling wrro is better than a site woth spelling errors
Originally posted by nkuvu
Or maybe marriages. Si, senor...
That is really funny. No offense, vic.
SorryOriginally posted by vic
sorry abou the bitchiness but a site with no spelling wrro is better than a site woth spelling errors, so in my picky tradition you might wann check this out :
"Picture Above And Sign The Petition To Save Futuram" i think it's FuturamA
I must say you are a really good designerOriginally posted by Nummi_G4
Originally posted by Nummi_G4